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IDM / glitch / mind dance

Guest TraiT

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@qozle That's a neat button.


So, I was doing weekly releases on my website for about three months, I stopped for a bit because school really kept me busy, but I'm back at it now.


I had recently bought Maximus from Image-line (I use FL) and this was the first song I got to try it out on. I think it -may- be a bit mid-heavy and the lows might be a bit muddy. I took it for a car-test before I tweaked the mastering a little bit and I was happy with it, so I think it's alright but I'd love to hear what anyone else thinks. Because I used a piano synth I think it sounds a bit video-gameish. Project time was about 6.5 hours, over two days.


Title is "Going green again".


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Guest placidburp

This is very nice indeed mate. The chord progressions are superb, kind of reminds me of a slowed down version of the Gasman. Love the little melody and that one really unexpected note made me smile. Drums are ace too, just enough glitch. What a happy tune this is.

thanks for sharing! :emotawesomepm9:


ps. join the watmm soundcloud group! :D


edit: on my 4th listen in a row! its sooo good.

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Guest LucidVibes

Thats really good man.. Well done you did it. YOu sound like really propper IDM artist... I really like this its perfect really. Im in a bit of a depressed mood atm because i just dont know how the fuck people make music like that : ((. What are your techniques to make those glitchy drums, they are quality. And the piano speaks for its self. And would you kindly recommend a good synth/pad AU thats easy to program? Ive given up on shit like FM8 because its so damn hard :S.

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Excellent chords man, really infectious.


I'm usually a fan of disco smile EQ but I think it's lacking too much in the mid end. But really fun track to listen to. Love your progressions, so many clever diminished and whatnots all over the place.

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That's really wild to read, someone saying that about something I've written- thanks. You know, it's interesting you say it kind of brings you down- I used to get that feeling listening to The Flashbulb, particularly this one album. Well, I haven't listened to that album in a while and I just listened to it the other day and I felt like I kind of criticized it a bit in my head- that is, for the first time, I was able to find things that I think could've been done better. Before I used to be so absolutely blown away by it, I couldn't think of one thing that sounded off or wrong or that I didn't like, I would listen to it over and over and over again and it would drive me crazy, to the point where I had to just stop listening to it because I would get so discouraged with my own music. I still get that feeling occasionally, it's almost like a kind of despair- I think it comes from thinking one "isn't good enough". The question arises though- not good enough for what? I think the beauty of the creative process is that it's a kind of practice in shamelessness- it's a joyful thing, and it confirms one's uniqueness and inherent value, I feel. No one will ever make the exact sounds that you make, just like you've never been in this moment in this location before. So maybe try and go at it from that perspective, that helps me. I would remind myself to enjoy myself, that's why I'm doing it after all. There was a lot of habitual self-judgement to work through but over time one can get past it.


As far as the glitchy drums, I don't want to give that away. It was tricky to figure out and no one had ever told me, and I feel like that was for a reason. It took a while to discover and I had a lot of frustration but I feel like it's almost a rite of passage, figuring these things out on your own. That and it encourages uniqueness to figure it out on your own.


For programming synths- I would start off with a simple synth and just explore, experiment. When you feel like you're stumped or you don't know what a knob actually -does-, look it up. Try a help file, try wikipedia- I guarantee you'll be able to find something pretty quickly. Learn about what actual synthesizing and waveform terms mean- like subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation, additive synthesis, granular, sampling, ect. Bit by bit it'll make more sense and it gives you real power and precision to know what the terms really mean. Don't get me wrong, just futzing is something even experts do, the creative process is an explorative process if nothing else, but when one learns the roads they can give more attention to looking at the scenery.


Sorry to rant. Thanks a lot for your feedback.



@everyone else


Glad it's enjoyable thanks, I'll troll a bit less and leave more feedback.

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fantastic track, has a great vibe to it! it's refreshing to hear a piano in there... when it comes down to it, the piano will always be my favorite sound. the progression of everything is quite nice and, as everyone's said, unpredictable... which is a big plus. congrats! i love feel-good tracks.

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This is very nice indeed mate. The chord progressions are superb, kind of reminds me of a slowed down version of the Gasman. Love the little melody and that one really unexpected note made me smile. Drums are ace too, just enough glitch. What a happy tune this is.

thanks for sharing! :emotawesomepm9:


ps. join the watmm soundcloud group! :D


edit: on my 4th listen in a row! its sooo good.

^^ this pretty much

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  • 4 months later...
Guest LucidVibes

This track is absoulte perfection. I had various audio files playing in Itunes and this track came on and let me tell you i enjoyed it alot! i could feel the music, it felt alive. I should probably point out here that i am under the influence of some smelly fruity weed :P..... lol.


Top marks man, really professional, i'm willing to say this is officially on the level man up there with Aphex and the IDM crew. Let me know when you release an album, i will gladly give you monies for this cool music.



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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

pretty nice glitch percussion


I definitely agree with chimera this track needs more mid range


in my opinion the tracks weak point is the piano sound, some might find it charming that it sounds like a casio keyboard demo but if you replaced it with a really beautiful fitting synth and possibly tweaked the melody this track could be something I would highly enjoy

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  • 3 months later...
Guest LucidVibes

replaced it with a and possibly tweaked the melody this track could be something I would highly enjoy


I think the piano is really beautiful, but i probably agree with you in that it could sound even better as "really beautiful fitting synth" :D. But i love the track as it is, that is why i am posting this at this time... every time i come across this track from random play or if i see it and play it, it makes me in a good mood... uplifting track!

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