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du bist dran (jam/wip)

Guest abreaktor

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Guest ryanmcallister

awesome, but i think it would be a little more effective if it wasn't as long. would make a cool outro to something else, na whattum sayin? very cool sounds though so don't take it the wrong way, i just want to be left wanting more, rather than skipping through bits.

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Guest abreaktor

he thanks for the listen man! next time i will include ritalin in my tracks so even you adhd-riddled people can enjoy it. j/k, you have a point. personally i dig long tracks that don't force themselves upon the listener with bold arrangement moves, and naturally that shows in what i do.

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Guest ryanmcallister

hey to each his own. normally i wouldn't give a fuck, but it's just that i was actually so blown away by the first 2 minutes that i felt around 3/4 minutes i was wishing more had happened, but it seemed to stay in the same spot. this negativity was a shame given how awesome it was, which is why i recommended either shortening it keeping it short and sweet, or maybe layering something else in later in the track.


but no biggie awesome track regardless.

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Guest abreaktor

ah thanks man - i might have falen for the usual "overlistening" trap. otoh, first version was without grain delay fsu on the master, and it was much less movement overall, i added those automations last, so there may be a slight arrangement stagnation later on. hmm. thanks a lot for the input man!

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Made me think of some kind of fusion reactor on its death throes, slowly consuming itself and the structures around itself, imploding. Actually to tell you the whole truth, have you ever played "Tomb Raider Legend" ? There is this part where you go to a Soviet cold war research station and there are tesla coils inside, it really reminds me of that level.


This was the closest to Autechre that I've seen out of anyone here for a long time.



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Guest abreaktor

damn thats very friendly. glad you liked the experience, and thanks for your time! also, the only games i play are kinda classics, like fallout, deus ex, system shock and some stalker, and all of those have awesome soundtracks to them

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fantastic track... you create such interesting sounds! it feels like a breathing mucus monster in some cave. maybe that's just me? really captivating stuff.

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