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i dreamt of WW3 last night

brian trageskin

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i just remembered the horrific and unreal dream i made last night. i was in NYC at an airport, i could see the infinite ocean on a side and fucking huge mountains on the other. it was like 11am, the weather was blue and shiny and unreal, like in a video game. so i'm here and i stare at the mountains far away. and what do i see: a man parachuted far far in the distance, and then another, and another etc. there are people around me but no one looks at the window. i go "oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!!" because i understand what's happening. and suddenly, i have the most horrific vision you could have: i see a huge boeing going right into the mountains and exploding in the most epic hollywood way. the mountains actually symbolize the city in the dream, for myself. at this moment i know that this is world war 3 and things are happening about 5 miles away from me. i see a futuristic helicopter with troops inside going to the battle, along with other planes from the army. the end of the world is happening and i know we are all going to die because i am omniscient.


i think the plane crash is inspired by 9/11, and the futuristic helicopter by "avatar". the airport is actually very similar to one i went often to when i was a kid. the weather and the general atmosphere feels like a video game, the only difference being that it's real and you know that you are going to die. man that was terrifying and fucking exciting at the same time. i knew a page of history was being written right under my eyes but i knew that these were the last hours of humanity. i couldn't believe what i had just seen when i woke up.

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yeah i know it's nothing original for some but to me it was completely new, never dreamt of such a thing. was fucking wicked.

i wish i could dream of war of the worlds, with tripods and stuff, having to escape and hide. aah i wish i could have lucid dreams

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Every time I do dream it just feels like I'm awake but imagining things. I wish I could dream epic stuff. I had like 1 epic dream in my life that was it, now that I think about its hardly epic.


From what I remember it was me in some city like Chicago I'm in the street when all of a sudden its starts shaking left and right with cracks forming along the edges. I look up in the sky and I see a Jet, the Jet just crash in mid air on nothing (Like it just crashed with the sky). It falls like that of killing a fly in mid air, but as it goes down it takes a thread of the sky with it as if the whole sky was made out of fabric slowly it starts ripping a bigger whole in the sky and you can see stars in the background I for some reason go to the restroom and meet a friend and I'm just like WTF is going on outside, he replied in a completely unrelated manner and I woke up. I just remember it being the best sleep of my life it was summer it was raining hard and thunder was striking my backyard.


You didn't have to read it that, it just helps to not forget my dream by writing it down.

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Where is Aphex Twin in your dream?




Totally irrelevant to the topic :

I've been regularly lucid dreaming for the past few years. Only recently did I get enough self control to make the dream last longer. Most of the time I try to fuck girls. My dilemma is I have to maintain a certain level of mind cohesion : usually when i start banging the girl she's perfectly beautiful and human, but when I'm reaching orgasm I tend to lose control over the dream as I get less and less focused. Consequently the girl turns into a meaningless amount of flaccid flesh. I don't care : I cum.

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