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corn cat / dodeiale official album release thread

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this is the last thread regarding my own music that i'm going to make for a long time. i shouldn't have made so many preliminary threads, but oh well. this is it - these are the final products. check em out!


ah! so i'm finally done with nearly a year of constant musical work and obsession.


i'm going to post the first and second new albums here, and the third tomorrow. (in addition i uploaded my first album from back in 09 - "Brother Dream").



since it's a lot of music, and each album is different, i'll explain a bit:



the first is titled "this past year."

instrumental album. i wanted to create something that focused on melody without worrying about the "coolness" of the synthesizer sounds - so that the melodies are more in focus. i might say that this one opens up with time - but i can't really judge my own music that way. i was going to call this "melodies performed by synthesizers" or "music for electric piano." "this past year" i wanted to make something that was almost entirely about "the notes" and the composition - to convey a specific feeling.




the second is titled "conversations."

"conversations" is the pop/songwriting side of my music. singing, guitars, choruses. i wanted to make something that a wider audience might enjoy since most of my music has such a miniscule possible audience.




the old one - "Brother Dream."

"Brother Dream" still remains my favorite thing i've made. i've upgraded my technology a lot since i made "Brother Dream," and the synthesizers might sound really cheap/cheesy (the whole thing was made in garageband), but something about this one feels different. the concept i had for it was that the music was to reflect a night of dreaming during childhood. the last track represents a waking state. that song, "day," is my favorite song of mine.


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really enjoying brother dream right now. this is the music i'd always hoped to hear from you! day really is a charming song. gonna give the others a listen! you should take a more relaxed approach to the music thing. who cares about being signed or recognized.. make it for yourself. remove the stress and a lot more joy will come to the process.

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can i ask you guys if my music really is that bad? serious


i don't understand why you guys hate on my threads so bad


if you genuinely think my music is awful then please tell me because i'm having trouble understanding

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oh well


doesn't mean i'm going to give up but i may need to reevaluate my methods


have you guys been able to listen to it without the crackling? i'm having problems with that


and what is really that awful about it? can you describe to me?


because when i hear it it sounds correct


like a track like this, i really don't understand the outright hate



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Guest JohnTqs

i didn't outright hate the songs i listened to, but they weren't fantastic.

the main thing i think is that you are so heavily influenced by your favorite musicians that you're almost copying their work. it doesn't sound personal to you at all.

it also didn't sound mixed right at all to me.

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Guest JohnTqs

sorry man, i don't want to be all "oh it's not that bad i really liked it" to you because that would be wrong. don't take my critiques personal and don't get discouraged cuz it's not complete 100% garbage.

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sorry man, i don't want to be all "oh it's not that bad i really liked it" to you because that would be wrong. don't take my critiques personal and don't get discouraged cuz it's not complete 100% garbage.


nono i know. i actually genuinely want and cherish harsh criticism (harsher the better - but specific is important) because i want to progress as an artist. i see these albums on my bandcamp as a sort of history - just something for me to enjoy mostly, but also for me to learn from so that i can go on to make something that a wider audience will appreciate and love. in the end i just want to make something mindblowing that makes people take a step back like "wtf." kind of like how i felt when i first heard aphex twin or chemical brothers as a kid. i see myself progressing as years go on. i'm very optimistic about my artistic future - it's just in these sorts of moments where everyone is telling me that my 8 months of work is "genuinely awful" that it gets very hard to want to continue working. but i will.

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