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Win Tickets to 'Once Upon a Festival'

Guest placidburp

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Guest placidburp

Once Upon a Festival is a brand new 3 day festival being held in Ghent, Belgium. I am lucky enough to be playing at it!

For the full line up see HERE.

The Centrifuge have teamed up with OUAF and are giving away 5 pairs of tickets on the next radio show on the 1st April. More details can be found HERE.

I will update this thread as soon as anything else is announced.


Myself and Oxynucid (who is also playing at the festival) have each done a half hour set which will be played on the radio show too. I'm very excited, it will be a great show!!


Belgium watemmers - make sure you enter!! :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest placidburp

Mail out I just got from the Centrifuge


"Hi guys,


Pre-warning about next weeks show, we've got an absolute stormer lined up.


We'll be visiting the Once Upon A Festival event in Belgium (15-17th April) and broadcasting live, and in addition to exclusive guest mixes from OUAF performers Acidburp and Oxynucid, we'll have 5 PAIRS of tickets to give away. Tickets will be given out both during the show and for archive listeners, so make sure you tune in and pass the message on to all your continental friends.


In addition, we'll have music from various artists perfoming at the festival including Bogdan Raczynski, Skip, O for Odetta and others, as well as new music from Scuba, Kanji Kinetic, Abstract Elements, Poborsk, and whatever else I find in the next week :)


Tune in Thurs April 1st, 10-12pm gmt, www.brap.fm.


Innit. "


COME ON!!!!!

Belgians should definitely listen to the show!!

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Guest placidburp
Hi again,


A quick reminder of tonights show - we'll be giving away 5 pairs of tickets to the Once Upon A Festival event in Belgium (www.onceuponafestival.be) in a fortnights time. Tickets can be won by listening live and joining the chatroom, or by listening to the archive show for one week afterwards. Spread the news! This'll be a hell of a weekend.


We'll also have guest mixes from OUAF performers Oxynucid and Acidburp, music from other performing acts such as O for Odetta and Skip, tracks from the new Scuba lp, Abstract Elements, Mr. O, Kanji Kinetic and many many more.


Tune in live tonight, 10-12pm gmt at www.brap.fm. You can listen through iTunes or your preferred media player, or using the Brap.Fm app on the homepage.


Catch you then,



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Guest placidburp

Last of the bumpheakans! I promise!


Its going to be a great show even if you aren't interested in the Festival tickets. Do it for me you guys.


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Guest placidburp

You can download yesterdays show

Here. and there are still 2 pairs of tickets to give away. Come on you Belgium WATMMers, have a go!

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