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oh my god

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so i got a subscription to the wall street journal last week (i've been getting into investing again) and it's become my crack. i haven't really posted anything on ylc in a while because i've really refined my technique and am putting some more time into things but since i got this subscription i've had no desire to make music (this is usually a nightly urge). is corporate america stealing my eagle powers?

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I've also been caught up lately with a lot of Canadian political issues. The amount of information going on with current events is incredibly addicting. I'm going to have to put limits ont he amount of time I read stuff online for my own sanity soon haha

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  • 2 weeks later...

i can hopefully use the money to buy a monomachine/machinedrum setup somewhere down the line. oh... you were being facetious.

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Bad Company 2 has put a halt to most of my artistic endeavors. Although, I'm now a rank 31 or 32, and I've decided I really need to finish up some tracks... That, plus I finished up my Adruinome and it's helped to get the juices flowing.

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