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Guest placidburp

I was just about to go to bed and refreshed one last time! I'm so glad I did. Downloading now, Is this the one that you previewed on your soundcloud page? Either way, I'm sure this will be class just like your other stuff. I will have a good listen to it tomorrow.


Thanks for sharing mate! :beer:

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nice. it is a different ep of more experimental sounds, that other one i'm probably not going to release much of any time soon.


this one also has a few attention grabbers on it like souls and drugs.


thanks acidburp! tell me what you think tomorrow

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Guest placidburp

brilliant! I absolutely will mate.


bah, I need some sleep though - its been a weird, long day.


let you know tomorrow. :)

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whatever people want to blog about this start blogging because this shit is next level and you don't even know it. you blog now you win, you blog later you're just a fish in a stream of tiny fools bound together by hipster love for the outdated


i am the next flashbulb

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i use logic with ultrabeat and a mixture of drum loop samples that i found somewhere i forget. ultrabeat is a great tool. i've got some really good links to live drum sample loops



ieafs i like your poetry, nice


tht! tne thanks for your opinion

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