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Demon Seed (Julie C mix)

Guest clubbedtodeath

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Guest clubbedtodeath

Afternoon all,


I've been struggling to get feedback on this one; it's quite unlike anything I've ever done, and possibly not for the ears of the Cakewalk forum..


Without further ado, I give you


Demon Seed (Julie C mix)




(Download link)



I'd really appreciate some comments, this is new territory for me - considered opinions always welcome!



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i like the spooky pad sound, don't like the beats really - they sound a bit too thin and could do with some more oomph and punch, they're also drowned out rather by the pad when it swells - some level adjusting might be in order. the track doesn't feel finished to me, sounds like a good bed to start with, but could do with some more elements and a couple of changes imo.


sorry if my review doesn't make sense - i'm incredibly hung over and can't really think straight.

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Guest clubbedtodeath

i like the spooky pad sound, don't like the beats really - they sound a bit too thin and could do with some more oomph and punch, they're also drowned out rather by the pad when it swells - some level adjusting might be in order.

You might be right; I've had some time with the drums!


This is a first attempt at side-compression; clearly I need to up it a bit, and perhaps but the drums through a bit-crusher, maybe EQ the bass and top-end a bit more? I should perhaps move the drums out of the master compression too.


the track doesn't feel finished to me, sounds like a good bed to start with, but could do with some more elements and a couple of changes imo.

You're not wrong; I've just got to decide what those elements are. I could bring out the BoC synth flute patch for Sandison-esque interjections, but I'm really trying to stay away from it.


sorry if my review doesn't make sense - i'm incredibly hung over and can't really think straight.

Har. One day I hope to remind myself what that feels like!



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