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Deadly 'Star Wars Lightsabre' Sold To UK

A handheld laser likened to a Star Wars lightsabre and so powerful it can instantly blind and "set fire to skin and other body parts" can be bought online and shipped to the UK.


The device - with a beam 1,000 times stronger than sunlight on the skin - is touted by makers as "the most dangerous laser ever created".

Trading standards chiefs said they were "seriously concerned" about the sale of the model and have warned against its use.

As well as blinding, burning and causing cancer, its Hong Kong-based maker admits that "a split-second laser light in a plane cockpit (...) can be disastrous".

Star Wars fans are among hundreds of people who have already shown an interest in buying the laser, for sale to the general public for £135.


Laser safety expert John Colton, director of Lucid Optical Services, told Sky News Online that the lasers were "horrendously dangerous".

"Under no circumstances should they be on sale on the internet," he said.

Mr Colton, who has published a recent study on laser safety, said the 1W beam was 1,000 times stronger than laser pointers normally available to the public.

They could be "deadly" if aimed at car drivers or even pilots in planes, Mr Colton added.

Wicked said the device would have cost thousands of pounds to build not long ago, but technological advances have made it available much more cheaply.


"This laser possesses the most burning capabilities of any portable laser in existence," the website reads.

"That's why it's also the most dangerous laser ever created."

The website goes on to warn: "Extremely dangerous is an understatement to the power of 1W of laser power.

"It will blind permanently and instantly and set fire quickly to skin and other body parts."

It adds that users should use eye protection and must read and agree the "Laser Hazard Acknowledgment Form".


ews of the laser has sparked a flurry of excitement on social networking websites.

One person wrote: "Real lasers that resemble Star Wars lightsabres, that can burn skin, cut through plastic and ignite matches - yes please."

Another wrote: "The fact that it looks like a lightsabre is even cooler."

One more said: "I must have this. Birthday present anyone? I will KILL things, with FIRE."

Christine Heemskerk, lead officer for product safety at the Trading Standards Institute (TSI), said the items should not be on sale to the general public.

"We are seriously concerned about the sale of these products which should only be for industrial use."

Ms Heemskerk added that because the lasers were manufactured abroad, there was nothing the TSI could do to stop their sale over the internet.

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