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Releasing my album free of charge today!

Guest iAdore

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the story and concepts I try to create.


This is the crap I was talking about. Listeners dont care about your story, they want their own. Unless its blues, you should make a blues album.


You're being awfully certain of what "listeners" like for just one person.


This is one of the most hackneyed, trite pieces of shit I've ever read. Being abandoned? Struggling? Homeless children? Feeling like you don't belong? Are you fucking kidding me? These are things that I thought of when I was twelve years old and subsequently got over them, grew up a little, stopped feeling sorry for myself, and started thinking about other things. People don't want to listen the sentimental ramblings of someone who is emotionally immature. It's embarrassing.


With that said, I'm not commenting on your music, only the presentation of it. People don't want to wade through a pile of shit just to get to your music. It will turn people away before they even hit the play button, as it has already done to others in this thread. It's just something you should think about. One of the main reasons I listen to electronic music is because I don't want to listen to somebody bitch about how oh so sad and dismal everything is. If that's the message you're trying to get across, your music alone should say it.


Wow, you are so emotionally mature, enlighten me with more of your wisdom oh great one. Who are you to judge his personal output like that? Are you saying certain people shouldn't express their emotions? Again with the "people/listeners" bullshit.

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Guest Sprigg

I love the idea of telling a story with your music, I think more artists should do things like that, and song titles/ sounds work very well together in telling a loose story, especially the first four tracks.


I enjoy beatless or mostly beatless music as much or more than the kind with crazy beats, so I love this release. Dl'd halfway through and as soon as it's done it gets put on my mp3 player.


Production is solid and the melodies and sounds all work extremely well together, well done, mate.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

I've got no problem with story telling it just doesn't need to be so blatantly obvious and sprinkled with cheese all over. Ambiguity is nice sometimes, your music should tell the story well enough without having to title it so obviously. There's not much thought/depth/discovery in that or much of any room for interpretation.

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to paraphrase: fuck tha haters, write what you want musically and in text, you are the artist, you are god of your expression. and to the rest of you, take it or leave it.
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Guest iAdore

It seems to me that you are all somewhat divided on this, and I get that the titles might be a turn-off. I made them because I feel everything needs a story, in comparison to myself studying film, I was never really a big fan of art films with no message to leave me with after viewing - I guess I'd like music to bring a little more storytelling to the table. Yes, it could certainly be a little more metaphorical, and not too obvious, I can see what you mean by that. To say that electronic music has to be more art-like and that I should make blues if I want to tell a story would restrict me very much though. This is not necessarily a story about me feeling sorry for myself, this could be a way of seeing that we all might not have it that bad in comparison to others. I don't view everything as sad and depressing, but I do think things could be better out there - the story ends with a cliffhanger of good or bad ending leaving us with a choice to help someone out some day, so this story will not come true. Also, some of these songs were ideas to a soundtrack to a short-film, and that is why it sounds like it does. It was made upon imagining a story, and working on how that story could be bettered in terms of music (most who work in film see picture to be the most important, the audio guys see audio and music as what people will respond the highest in terms of emotion, regardless of how good the story or other elements might be).


Thank you guys for feedback though, I'll take it all into account. I'm not trying to tell you how to interpret music or anything like that, I'm just trying to give you an understanding of how I come to my conclusion. Again, thanks. I appreciate it.

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Guest iAdore

24 hours have passed. Thanks to all who listened and gave feedback. I appreciate it very much.

You can still stream it for free on Bandcamp if you like, and it's also on Spotify.



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