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I uploaded 4 of my piano works

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Below I wrote a bit about my thoughts on my music and modern classical music in general. If you aren't interested, here is one of the pieces. The other three are on my page:






Writing "classical" or "jazz" music is tricky. Sharing it is difficult. Most would assume that good classical music would have to be written by the traditional "genius" type - or someone who has been raised with vigorous training. Why would someone place their trust in the vision of some no-name, one who has no authority or credibility? Classical music is often (thoughtlessly) viewed as being superior to all other forms of music. It is "high art."


I do not subscribe to that perception of classical music. I believe that anybody with an ear for melody and harmony can write competent "classical" music in this day and age, if they truly desire to. All it takes is practice and passion. In this day and age, all forms of music are capable and important in their own ways, all genres are equal and should be given the same chance to touch and inspire.


Growing up I worked with classical music, listened to electronic, played violin, learned most all basic theory, and created techno music in MTV Music Generator. I took some college level music theory courses last year but then decided to drop out of school. For the past year I have been studying on my own. I am providing my background so perhaps you will agree that I have more than just the average person's understanding of music theory.




These songs/pieces are written in Logic and performed by MIDI. I use some traditional "notation," but for the most part I use the "piano roll." I await the day that I have access to a human pianist and ensemble so that they may perform some of my music. I would also like to record and produce it myself.


Short descriptions/explanations:


"Summers" is my most recent work. I consider it my most "mature" piano based music yet, in that the "harmonic language" is clear throughout.


"Customer Service" is something like a piano concerto, in that the piano solo is forefront. There are synthesizers in the background.


"Therapy" was my first attempt at writing piano music. It's the first time I decided I would take a chance and go all out. It is mostly an exploration of shapes and rhythm. I was less interested in harmony and melody and more in creating noise/shapes out of tones and rhythm.


"Wake Up" is a short solo piano piece. I wanted to experiment with using more traditional chord structure.




Thanks for listening!

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reminds me of ligeti and some other atonal stuff.. tbh im not sure what emotion or mood you are trying to convey. right now it sounds like a lounge thing played on an out of tune piano.

im not the biggest fan of atonality but in some cases like ligeti it can have a spooky mood. not sure here though. i do like the sequencing though, its natural sounding.

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summer 2010 is ilkaeesque, i like, but the drums sound bad, bad sample choice imo, or maybe just some eq would do it, dunno. truth is i'm playing it on a bad system so it's difficult to criticise... customer service sounds ilkaeesque too, but with a bach something

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