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The Identity of Banksy

Guest MortstoX

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..right, maybe it can. maybe it will, but it probably won't.

what a mad world we live in where complete strangers write things to each other on internet forums, and where somebody will pay for the pleasure of knowing somebody elses name!!! proper Lmao @ these crazy days!

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Guest bitroast

the more i hear about 'banksy' the more uninteresting he becomes. I liked his paintings of gitmo from years back but what's the fascination with him now? HE made a documentary that seemed to parallel the J. Pheonix misfire 'I'm not There' that i have not seen that people rave about


edit: wait how can they make a documentary about someone who is anonymous? now im curious


exit through the gift shop is a great film but isn't about banksy exactly. i think you would enjoy it.


i think both 'i'm still here' and 'exit through the gift shop' are on netflix play instant.


i can only recommend exit


i'm not a fan of banksy but i like the doc and i like some of his work, defintly don't care what his real name is though. what difference does it make? remember when we found out who burial was? yeah me neither


yeah, i really really enjoyed Exit. favourite documentary film second to King Of Kong^_^:)

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