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Guest Fishtank

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well did you watch the press conference he had on japan today or not?


I'm guessing you didn't...


i saw it, but don't you think his responses have been awfully late or delayed? His first statements about japan were shockingly weak


so far Obama is the worst president at seeming generically 'presidential' that i've ever seen in my lifetime. I'm very surprised that he isn't able to channel any of that commandeering vibe in his actual presidency that he was during his campaign


edit: and no i'm not even talking about his abominable human rights records, his refusal to close gitmo, his refusal to reverse any of the civil liberties encroaching policies set out by bush or anything of that nature, im talking strictly froma generic american proud of your president point of view, and from that view Obama is doing a fucking bad job. As stupid/retarded as george bush was he at least knew how to play the 'act like a confident president' game much better than Obama imo

agree, Obama has generally been very lazy and inept while also showing arrogance

I don't think he's destroying the country he's just not doing much to help it where it needs helping



Because every time he DOES try to do something congress ties his hands. Why is Gitmo not closed? Congress. Obama cannot just speak bills into legislation, they have to be debated by all the fuck-wit congressmen who are more interested in what lobbyists can do for them than what they can do for the American people. You can't put all the blame on Obama. He's not innocent in the grand scheme of things, but he's far from the be-all end-all cause of America's woes.


I completely agree that the extension of the PatAct, treatment of Pvt. Manning and other things are fucked and he's not doing the right thing at all, but again, he's not solely to blame.


Checks and Balances people, checks and balances.


when the troops were ridiculously underfunded and without proper body armor, who did Bush blame?


when the White House wanted a massive increase or "troop surge" to combat insurgency, who did they accuse of holding it up?


Congress. Who is Congress? A bunch of people that throw financial support of theirs and their allies' finances to get someone elected that they believe will do the most for their benefit. How do these people get into Congress? We elect them. Why do we elect people that block everything a President wants to do? Why do Congressmen almost always become President?


isn't there an issue here? i am going insane


Checks and Balances people, checks and balances.



But I can still bitch about Democrats not getting shit done when they had Filibusterer.



seriously. that was the most shameful ballless shit I have ever seen.

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