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Freelance Computer Work?

Guest El_Chemso

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Guest El_Chemso

At School (Computer Science school) they said to us that a lot of under grads and grads make a good amount of money doing freelance work. I've known a few friends do it who have done computer degrees. So what's the best places to look, places to avoid. Your experiences good bad? We were told by on lecture that the uni's don't like it as it mess' up there employment rate after 6 months of graduation as so many Comp Sci grads do free lance work until they find there perfect job, and on the stats that doesn't count as employment so there must be some good stuff out there.

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Guest hahathhat

this is essentially what i do.


best gigs have always come through friends, family etc. but plenty of other stuff off monster, cybercoders, sites like that.


i get a couple calls a month from recruiters with the memory of goldfish (who don't recall i told them i don't want to move, i don't want a full-time gig, etc. and i have to repeat this), bring lots of irrelevant crap i have to shuffle off, but i'd be insane to stop answering their calls !

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I've been doing a little bit of this. Mostly just with friends and family extended. I felt really bad for this one guy. He bought a PC for $1100 from a supposed friend. I looked at the specs and could build a better PC using parts from TigerDirect.ca for $400. So I told him that I'd build him a new PC any times he wants, and I'd show him the price it costs from the website so he knows he's not getting ripped off. Naturally he was bummed out for getting ripped off. But he was happy that I'd help him out. So that adds to the number of people I build PCs for.


I don't ask for much. Sometimes I work just for a nice hot meal while I'm there. But again, this is mostly for family and friends. But they do give me money here and there. Just last week I got $20 for setting up an incredibly easy wireless network for some woman. I don't make my living off of it at all. But $20 here and there is nice.

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Funny you posted this. Yesterday a guy came into my coffee shop, and we started chatting. He had just quit his job at Google "to explore more creative outlets" and was obviously very jaded about computer work. He said freelance work will take up your entire life, and that it's not flexible like you think... you can't leisurely pick and choose clients, because if you say no once, they'll never call you back... so my idea of working, taking an extended break to work on my music, and then working again will not work... "unless you are simply amazing at what you do."


hmmm :-\

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If I'd want to earn as much from freelance work as I do on my fulltime job I'd have to put in much more hours, pay much more taxes, do loads of administrative crap and have much more worries. I wont do it in our tax climate at least.


I loved it as a student though. I programmed and maintained an online shop for computer parts and did some InDesign brochure work for the same company. Nothing on contract, all tax-free. I didn't know/care what that work was worth so every time I ran out of money, I went to them, fixed some bugs and asked some cash. This was pretty much ideal and it provided me with some useful experience as well.

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