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LDN - Leyland Kirby, King Midas Sound, Raime


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Vortex City Sessions and Exotic Pylon present: A Night in the Haunted Dancehal starring - King Midas Sound, Raime, Leyland James Kirby

Tickets: £12.50 + £0.50 postage

Opens/Starts : 7.00pm/7.30pm,


King Midas Sound

Kevin Martin, Roger Robinson and Kiki Hitomi's heartbroken and degraded lovers rock has morphed in to an extraordinary live experience - fragility, loss and insecurity bent through Kevin 'The Bug' Martin's mixing desk in to a synaesthesic carpet-bombing of dissonance, noise-dub and fractured melody. King Midas Sound alchemises a zone between the heart and the feet - a contemplative vortex that is blissfully edgy.



Raime utilise the space and pace of early dubstep but mutate it by channelling an idiosyncratic allegiance to early 80's goth, industrial, synthwave and lost folk amongst other dark pathways. Their dread sound is a compellingly hopeless one - eerie, austere and yet strangely accessible, Raime make party music for Cenobites.


Leyland James Kirby

From the plunderphonic terrorism of the V/VM label through to his examinations of memory and temporal deterioration through melancholy-saturated noise and sampled sleight-of-hand as The Caretaker, Berlin-based émigré Leyland James Kirby is one of finest artists of the last decade. Playing a very rare UK date off the back an impending slew of genre-trashing releases, this is a singular opportunity to experience James's uniquely beautiful dark sonic world.


These sessions are presented in partnership with The Vortex - a beacon for contemporary jazz and experimental music in the capital. Established nearly 25 years ago, The Vortex programmes cutting-edge jazz alongside contemporary folk, world music and electronica.

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