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Soloman Tump

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About Soloman Tump

  • Birthday 07/28/1982

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Finally saw this today on the 9am viewing. Was quite a few people there to be fair! I enjoyed it. A few things annoyed me like Andy's line after shelling the xeno - should have just been "get away from her you.... " then a twitch of the face or something would have worked better. I quite liked his jokes, because they were bad and none of the characters laughed either. Worked for me. The Rook CGI was awful at first but looked better when coming through the crackly monitors. I initially thought it was gonna be a Bishop model until they rolled him over. That would have been cool. Having them both as chess piece names is cool too. A good addition to the franchise and I'm glad it's not a total cluster fuck. But it generally leant too heavily on the other films for it to stand up by itself. For me, there were zero memorable quotes from any of the characters that were not borrowed from other films. And that's pretty sad. It looked great and sounded great, and I appreciate it for what it was. I'm glad I saw it at the cinema and I'm glad it's better than the prequels.
  2. Pls drop a series of ae-club bangers that will reconstruct dancefloors across the globe. I'm sure they are already sat in the archives, just need unleashing. Thx
  3. An amazing weekend, worth every penny. Top sets from Mala, Transcendence Orchestra, Sherelle, Craig Richards (obviously) and Rolando. Turned up at warehouse to catch Steffi and stay for Surgeon, only to find out his set had been moved forward and we had missed it. Was very sad about that. I saw the last 20 mins of Barkers set, I thought it was great. The last tune was one big trancey buildup without the drop. Lol. Sounded lush in that space though. We enjoyed wobbling around on the uneven wooden floors of the warehouse. Top sound in there! Lovely art tour too. And so much other stuff. Chaos weekend. Beautiful. Also agreed the earthling was echo -y if you were outside the sound field. But in it, sound was great. Outburst ended up being our favourite stage overall. Simple uplighting of the trees and punchy sound system. Spent a load of time there
  4. Houghton was amazing, the Saturday morning Rolando set was top draw. I actually went to sleep Friday night then got up early to catch it. Most people there hadn't slept yet, so I felt fresh / weird Didn't catch this set at the very idm "Armadillo" stage though but really appreciate it being shared.
  5. The weekend is nearly upon me - anyone else from here going? Im buzzing.
  6. That looks awful and fascinating in equal measures. Although thinking about it, maybe more awful
  7. Samples for this other new album (!) are now on Boomkat - https://boomkat.com/products/jinxed-by-being
  8. Some great artists on this compilation, will grab it soon as sometimes they tend to remove the purchase option for these after a while.
  9. I thought the glasto performance was good - I mean, they did a festival set and the obligatory guest appearances so thats fine. Glasto is a pop festival at heart so no issues with the spice girls collab. It looked like they were all having fun
  10. Thanks for the recco on Mouthus, listening to a bunch of stuff now and I like it!
  11. Orbital were fun last night, apart from that new Spice Girls mashup track. But then they've leant towards pop sensibilities through the years so its not really a huge surprise. Otoboke Beaver (Park Stage) were huge fun and I highly recommend watching if you want 45 minutes of high-octane Japanese chaos from 4 talented female punks. watched this with my kids earlier and they loved it. Also the cute "thank you" after each sonic blast, and the drummer, as well as being very very good, is also HOT. I watched Disclosure but in the main their set was fairly dull. I think the highlight was actually their cover of Insomnia by Faithless. Will watch the Paul Heaton set tonight.
  12. Everything UK released on CD apart from the Quaristice Ltd Ed. I have the ATP CD mixes which are pretty cool. Only thing I sold a couple of years ago was my CD/DVDs of the Hafler Trio Collab. On vinyl I think I have them all now - a mix of originals and represses but I'm happy with that. Will have to check. No promos which some of you are repping, very cool they are. Sold a few remix 12"s over the past few years, like the Oberman Knocks / The Bug My exai vinyl box got damp when we had a house flood but it looks kinda cool now with a sort of mouldy patchy outer layer. Complete with symbiotic growth
  13. Having a clear out / need funds. Happy to part with both my CAT189 and CAT190 CDs. Some slight cosmetic scratches to the outer CD cases (inevitable in clear plastic lol) but the CDs themselves are mint / scratch free and the labels are all still intact. Any UK takers?
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