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Amsterdam, Utrecht, Brussels, Aachen...

dr lopez

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Ok, obviously a million threads like this but there are also tons of people who live in this area on this board, probably with tons of helpful hints.


Friend and I are planning about a week in the Benelux area, looking for cool things to do, but mostly just info from the locals about cheap food, cheap accommodation, cheap travel between cities, anything helpful! I've never been in this area before and need some guidance.


Beyond trying to absorb the Schröder House's very essence I have no idea...


Thanks in advance? (I hope)

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cool, when will you be in NL? i may have some tips, venue-wise. or eats/drinks.


we could have a drink in this brilliant, obscure, tiny, living-room-type bar/restaurant (Amsterdam), which has nice art expositions from time to time. it also has a huge selection of microbrews for under 2 bucks a glass. (if you're of drinking age, that is)


or sit around and listen to morton feldman and brian eno on my ghettoblaster in the park?


ps. your friend, is she good-looking?

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Guest abusivegeorge

Aachen is the best place I've been to and I've been to a lot of European major cities, unfortunately I can't actually give any advice as all I did was get drunk, I don't remember the names of the hotels, where I ate or how much anything was! I just remember the people being awesome.


Have a great time dude.

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