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Soft Mirage - Ionian Dream


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Out now on Montreal's newKinnta Records label is a cassette collaboration between Norm Chambers of Panabrite and Christian Richer (of Element Kuuda, Haiduks and Cavernes) called Soft Mirage. The album is titled Ionian Dream. This project explores more guitar-drums oriented sounds, with heavy synthesizer accompaniment.




i got this yesterday and i'm absolutely blown away. lush and bubbly synths with guitar and some drums (which makes it sound a little more professional than the standard synth-only electronics affair) in the vein of psychedelic library pop from the late 60s/early 70s. tracks like obsidian and caverns of light are just banging too hard.


my only question is: why is this only 10 tracks? and i really wish these guys expand the sound just a weee bit so everything doesn't make me feel like a hippy on-route to burning man wearing a rubber ducky floatation device.


aiiight: who else is feeling this shit?

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