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The Rolling Jubilee

Guest A/D

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An offshoot of the Occupy movement, Strike Debt, has found a way to buy anonymous chunks of debt for about five cents on the dollar. This is how debt collectors operate: they buy debt cheaply and then collect on the full amount.


Instead of collecting on the debt, Strike Debt will forgive it. They will contact the former debtors, let them know their debt is gone, and ask politely if they will contribute to abolishing debt for someone else.


They're going to launch this program publicly tomorrow. Incredibly, they've already raised over $150,000 - enough to erase $3,000,000 worth of debt. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks this is a good idea. If you think so, give them a few dollars. I did. I probably will again. It feels great. Especially since their first buy will be in the area of medical debt.





Thanks, & if you are as excited as I am, please pass this on.


Much love,



PS - Peeps in other locales should contact them! I'm sure they would help you set this up in your country if possible!

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