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Hitman: Absolution

Guest isaki

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preordered mine so it should come today--pretty excited for the return of david bateson and fresh gameplay that it looks to offer. i'll miss Jesper Kyd though, as his music was always one of the best parts about the games.


what do you all think?

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Love the Hitman series but weirdly all the stuff they've released about Absolution so far has put me off getting it.


I think I'm getting bored of mainstream games at the mo! Sorry this is such a useless post.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

yeah, i love Conan's game reviews. and whats even better is that while he may be joking around they are pretty great reviews.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

what i mean is, he actually shows the game for what it is. no subtle "not actually gameplay" shit or anything like that. the review itself is just for comedy but in turn you get to see the game exactly how you would if you were playing. unlike just about every other review.

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I think it is fun, regardless of linear levels, crappy story, b-movie voice acting and stupid A.I. The over-the-topness of some of the characters, plus gameplay sneaking reminds me of metal gear. Definitely will be playing this one a second time and try different approaches.

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playing the level in chinatown atm, actually enjoying quite a bit. Not as linear as i thought


that level's the easiest/shortest. you can get get silent assassin if you follow the King round when he goes to pee and then dump his body in the trash thing behind him


even though i say that, i still had a lot of fun doing the challenges.


i call it a "trash thing" cos it's quite clearly not a bin. bins are long and green, blue or red. bloody america and their randomly placed big bins and large containers in handy places

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just completed it... there's so much to say really. there's a lot of good and a lot of bad. the story could be worse... one thing though, the voice acting and script writing is pretty shockingly... well, it just doesn't fit a Hitman game, putting it nicely. the humour's a bit naive.


oh, and the music is SHIT.

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I only paid 25£ for it on Amazon. And so far I'm glad I didn't paid more for it. Not enjoying it all that much, and I've always liked the Hitman games. Blood Money was one of my favorite games on the PS2.


The story and characters is just some of the worst I've ever seen. I don't play Hitman games for the story, so it should be easy to ignore. But it's really killing my enjoyment with the game. Like that obnoxious informant called 'Birdie'. He's just the most annoying character ever. And it's just filled with stereotypes. I really hope they are trying to be ironic or something.


And the fact that you can't customize weapons before missions really bugs me. And disguises are almost useless now. I like that they tired to not make them so overpowered as in previous in titles. But the new system just kind of kills the fun of the game.


And overall it don't feel like there is as many 'toys' anymore. It's been a lot years since I've played Blood Money, but I just remember there being a whole lot more of gadgets and stuff to use.

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Am I the only who finds myself constantly restarting checkpoints?


I don't think it was a very good idea to have score meter in the left corner. It could have been a mode, that was unlocked after you completed the game. It's way too in you're face. Who's going to be perfect on their first play through?


And you're score is going to be in you're friends game. So it's kind of hard for me just to ignore it.


Overall I'm fustrated as hell with this game.

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I've just started and done the first two levels. I haven't really spent too much time getting huge amount of points. I also haven't seen if you can just start whichever level, whenever. Is it possible to just do levels whenever to improve your overall scores?

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I've just started and done the first two levels. I haven't really spent too much time getting huge amount of points. I also haven't seen if you can just start whichever level, whenever. Is it possible to just do levels whenever to improve your overall scores?

yes, there is a "level select" button on the main menu


and I totally agree with you Npoess, the whole game has just been "Hollywooded" and not even in a good way. The humour is cheap and the voice acting is quite terrible,, except David Bateson's. And even then, I don't think his lines suit him at points through-out the game. As for gameplay, it isn't a bad game at all. It's fun. It just doesn't really fit in as a sequel



And now that you find out Diana mysteriously lived through a gunshot to the chest, and that she's back, I think the next game will be better. Back to taking contracts. We'll have to wait for that though.



Maybe some DLC will come out to make the game a bit better.

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