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Kiyoko - Kiyoki EP


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"Pre Order now for a Feb 11 release direct from Surus - bit.ly/Ti5mFM

Kiyoko is Synkro and Bering Strait. Following on from their sublime debut LP 'Sea Of Trees' for ASC's Auxilliary label, Kiyoko were approached to contribute to the Horo series in an effort to take it even further outside the constraints of any bpm or musical genre.

With titles removed to allow your mind to associate your own mental images to each track, Kiyoko takes Synkro's genius touch with soaring emotions and spreads them evenly into a gentle soothing melancholy that few electronic musicians are capable of.

We are very very proud and honoured to release this record to the world.

Limited 10" marbled vinyl only"

Sample below and it sounds great:


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