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Happy Melancholy

Omega Wood

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Guest waveformblue

Holy Schmoly...I go underground for a few hours and come back up to this !


Yeah...I'm the rude bastard who started this rat-screw. I'm new here, too. This isn't the first impression I was aiming for. I sure as Hell didnt mean to get a fellow rude bastard banned.


But fer crissakes, Omega's indignant responses were begging for ridicule. Just maybe his over-the-top wording is standard fare in whatever his native language is. One thing's for certain, this fellow cannot take criticism or rejection at all.


I just found out that the track I critiqued was far from his "first effort". In fact OW has a decent body of work. I've since listened to a few of his YouTube vids - some are pretty good. He's got more to show than my miserable YouTube output.


So why in Hell didn't Omega call me out on my mistake ? He would have made me look the ass I feel like right now. Instead he tried to get me banned (oh the irony), then went on to attack the forum. Not cool. He also brushed off the review-before-you-post protocol on this site.


It's unfortunate how all of this went down. Getting permabanned from one of the few decent sites of this type is devastating. I believe in second chances and wouldn't be upset if Squee gave him one.


Best thing Omega could do at this point is to chill out for a couple of weeks, then find a way to apologize to Squee and the forum. He should also learn to take criticism - justified or not - without going into meltdown.

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I only have issue with the banning and thread pinning. Not anyone ridiculing or finding his attitude silly/funny. The reason I focused on your post and the other attacks/ridiculing was to demonstrate the reason why Omega Wood made a "FUCK WATMM" avatar etc. I don't think your post, a FUCK WATMM avatar, or any other content in this thread is ban worthy. And now that I think it about, nor should the thread been locked. Debate and constructive criticism is good. If OW wants to say your critique is wrong because he thinks his music is the best. That's just a disagreement and one that could open up actual in-depth discussion about music theory. A two way street of mutual beneficial intent essentially. As you just said, you heard some other tracks by him and now might be interested in focusing on certain things there. Through this debate, both parties hopefully gain new insight on music producing and through that collaboration they will gain more respect for each other. Which in turn might make Omega think differently about your very original comment towards his OP track.


So I have no personal problem with any one here. Not squee or Joyrex. I just have disagreements. Ultimately Squee is the mod, so it is his decision. But this is how I see it and I would like to see Omega Wood sharing/commenting more on WATMM, even if he is an ass. In the end the worst outcome for me is I put him on ignore, but the best outcome is I gain some insight from him so that I can be better at giving insight back.

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As you might notice my comment is in direct disagreement with OW's "why i get attacked for making music? and why no moderator is there to help users like me if we get attacked? and why nobody till now erased this attacking post of this troll in my topic?"


This is silly and I think his reasoning here is absurd. I don't favor OW over anyone here. Something about social tendencies seem to seep into forums, where people who you don't like have to disappear. While banning is definitely appropriate for spamming and really personal abuse towards other members, it seems silly to translate physical reality of personal space into internet message boards. We can filter what we want and don't want. Subjective topics that are not appealing to you are best ignored. Because posting in some ways is voting if the post adds nothing but disapproval "Thumbs Down." Constructive criticism is tremendous though.


I take the internet far too seriously lol

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He is German or something and quite eccentric as I've spent some time talking to him in CHATMM. I kind of agree with Compson as far as certain situations being handled, but at the same time I recognize that I am not involved with running this community. He also seems quite young to me which could explain this outrageous behavior. I've been an admin on gaming servers/communities before and I am a fan of temp bans. Utilizing temporary bans takes a more involved and patient approach from the admins, but it is more oriented towards allowing people to grow and make mistakes. It is really up to the admins to decide how they want their community handled. If there were too many people being allowed to act like this on this forum I think that it would detract from the more mature atmosphere for which we all strive. It also might scare away all the more well known artists and things that respect this forum(even though most don't admit it) if children are screaming and acting out. I mean they already have to let the "Featured Artist" antics slide.

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The reason why this is and should be pinned, is because, as the OP says, it's an excellent example of why this entire subforum is dying. Everyone wants to share their bullcrap, but wants to spend as little time as possible listening to other's bullcrap. It blows my mind how some people can NOT see the sticky up there at the top. Actually I'm pretty sure they can, but chooses to ignore it, because they're simply too awesome and amazing for wasting time on other people's music.


It's pretty much a lose-lose situation.
People can comment for the sake of commenting, but all that'll result in, is a lot of "thick solid tight"-like comments.
If people only comment when they feel like it, the forum will die. It really is a shame, because when watmmers actually listen to other's stuff and discuss it, it can get pretty interesting. People used to do this in CHATMM a lot, but that's pretty much died out too.


I feel it's crazy hard to comment on people's music on here. I always feel I have a lot to say about people's tracks, but most of it is just my opinion and I know very little about mixing and all that, so if the track is as the poster wanted it to be, what's the point? I might say that the intro is too boring or the drums are too shit, but maybe they're both exactly as the person who made the track wants it to be.


Sorry for rambling. early in the morning here.

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I think this thread makes more new people care less about posting their music on YLC. I mean really, Omega Wood got essentially stoned to death and hung up on a noose for all to see.


Why? Because he didn't post 10 comments like "cool track" or "I like the drums but the melody is not that good" before making his own thread in Your Latest Creations.


I hardly ever read the pinned info threads on forums, especially new forums I join. Generally when making a mistake on a internet forum, I am casually informed. Only if I were to continue to ignore the communities request should this kind of aggressive action be used.

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Omega Wood was a disaster just waiting to happen. Even if I hadn't reacted the way I did, do you honestly think he would have been any better two days from now? And what would have happened if I had temp banned him? With an ego like that Omega Would would have stormed back and gone medieval on my ass and threatened to "take me to court". The guy was a new Sini just waiting to bloom so he could spread his "art" all over our bottoms. His third post and the reports he sent us were pretty clear indications of what kind of person he was. Also, what would have happened if that guy had stepped into General Banter? It probably would have gone a bit like this


Anyway, fuck this. I'm tearing this thread down.

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Thanks for the response. Ultimately you guys run the show so no disrespect as I shouldn't expect everything to work as I see it. But just be careful with the whole "waiting to happen" ...





that's not a threat lol, shot from the minority report...


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Thanks for the response. Ultimately you guys run the show so no disrespect as I shouldn't expect everything to work as I see it. But just be careful with the whole "waiting to happen" ...





that's not a threat lol, shot from the minority report...



I get the reference ;)

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