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Dark Matter Hints at a Shadow Milky Way?

syd syside

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Well done Mr Copypaste.


You know, why don't you add something meaningful to the topic, if that is such a big concern for you?


Cause the way I see it, I did add something, this article, I could have not shared it with watmm, but I did because I thought some people would like to read it. You seem to be interested in it (not really) but can't muster up a fucking thought about it? Instead the real meat and potatoes of this thread is about the fact I made a copy and paste thread? What is this elementary school? If i made a thread that was a copy and paste of an article that answered the question of "dark matter" would that still not be a sufficient thread? I am not a scientist, I enjoy hearing what scientists are working on, and I don't have to insert my useless scientific opinion about every fucking scientific topic if I want to share information with people.

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Since May 2011, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer has been sitting on the International Space Station, sifting through billions of charged cosmic rays for evidence of those annihilations. If it sees an excessive number of positrons relative to electrons at a certain energy, that might just be a compelling sign of dark matter.



I'm not really convinced by the Dark Matter theory, I just reckon we have done the maths wrong.



i'm not even persuaded by the dark matter/dark energy propositions. it may be as simple as incorrect math/formulations/whatever, but i have a feeling (SCIENTIFIC AINT I?) it's gonna have more to do with unknown properties of extant phenomena.

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