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Custom Themes


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I think it'd be cool if there was a "Watmm Lite" kind of theme where it just had the username (with that drop down menu box it's in), and avatar. No post count, country, custom title, warning, member number, whatever the fuck those blue blocks are, etc. I already have sigs turned off in an effort to decrease the vertical size of posts to put the least amount of effort possible into browsing, but it'd be pretty cool to at least have the option to turn that stuff off.


As is, most posts are 1 line of text and are about 500 pixels vertically due to avatars and all that junk. I imagine it's more like 1000 with sigs turned on.


Yes, I realize this is completely superfluous. It's just food for thought.

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I think it'd be cool if there was a "Watmm Lite" kind of theme where it just had the username (with that drop down menu box it's in), and avatar. No post count, country, custom title, warning, member number, whatever the fuck those blue blocks are, etc. I already have sigs turned off in an effort to decrease the vertical size of posts to put the least amount of effort possible into browsing, but it'd be pretty cool to at least have the option to turn that stuff off.


As is, most posts are 1 line of text and are about 500 pixels vertically due to avatars and all that junk. I imagine it's more like 1000 with sigs turned on.


Yes, I realize this is completely superfluous. It's just food for thought.


Or, you could just use the Lo-Fi mode...

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Those jokes weren't funny to begin with. I'm okay with not getting them. :rolleyes:


Joyrex, I know you're being facetious because Lo-Fi mode looks like a turd covered in shit soaked in feces, but something like this mockup I whipped up just now would be cool. Just as an option.

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