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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. No worries - I appreciate everyone helping out!
  2. That shows what was added when you edited your post... in case something wasn't there before. Hmm. I wonder if it is caching on your end because it looks fine for me:
  3. Odd - I bet it is a Group permissions issue - I'll check on that now. You should be able to delete quotes by hovering over the "+" icon in the upper left corner of the quote box and simply hitting delete... There isn't a "Full Editor" mode anymore. Editing code of a post - you mean HTML? You shouldn't have ever been able to do that. Provide more detail, please. RE: "missing" editor features - the editor is very, very customizable - I've disabled a lot of it just to ease into how powerful it is, and so I will be restoring things like that. One of the more painful things (or flexibility if you want to look at it positively) is I have to configure three separate editors for the responsive breakpoints (desktop, tablet, mobile). It's drag and drop, but still, a bit of a pain. The default text size is what it is - I don't think it would be productive to make your posts smaller when everyone else's will be normal sized. Hiding right sidebar - let me see if that is still an option or not... Subforum shortcuts - that's my bad - didn't add those back to the theme (there might be a better way to do that now via the admin panel).
  4. That was me trying to solve @poopypants issue - I have restored spaces, and right now the vendor is looking into why I can't change any names, etc. As soon as that's sorted I'll remove your underscore.
  5. Twitter embeds seem to be working fine
  6. The general idea was to move away from Tapatalk since the forum now is responsive and mobile-friendly (e.g., not needing an app). I can reactivate Tapatalk for those who want it, but I thought in general people didn't like Tapatalk, hence it not being in this version. I noticed this too this morning - I thought the "xx hours/minutes/days ago/date" link would do that, but like in the case of this thread, it took me to the last post. Let me look into this and find out what's going on. The last icon on the editor toolbar should provide a preview: I think it is still rebuilding the signatures *checks rebuilding signature images...* yep, still at 0% I think that is due to the fact there isn't a "mobile" or "desktop" site per se anymore since the forum is responsive and will fit to the device you are using. I will look into this; and no, no rep for banned members. The "who is reading this thread" was an addon, and it might be a feature on the new software - let me check. That too was an addon; I am looking for an updated version or setting to reproduce that. Let me see about Bandcamp embeds, as well as the overly large SoundCloud embeds. This might be a group restriction or restriction setting in general. Let me see what the options are. I'm not quite sure what you mean - examples? I need to play with this a bit more myself No... (in response to if there is a dedicated app for WATMM). Mobile can (and will be) improved, so hang in there. I think adjusting the theme at the mobile breakpoints will help this - just need some time to make adjustments. I believe your concern was answered later on; let me know if it's still an issue. I need to play with it more myself to understand all the features. Have you tried the Fluid view (icon on the forum index)? It combines all the forums and subforums (you choose which ones you want) into one view. I thought you are able to save these settings (I recall there being a button)? Barring that, saving it as a new Activity Stream might be the proper method. It might be a result of the rebuilding of data, but I will check on followed content. If you have a paid subscription you can change your name. I have submitted a ticket for this; let me check on the status and get back with you. Members should not be able to edit posts, or if they could for a very limited (~10 minutes) time. A paid subscription would provide you the ability to do so.
  7. At least the lazy loading is working correctly
  8. Looks like I might be entering another support ticket...
  9. Let's see if this works for SoundCloud embeds: https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/594265374&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true
  10. I tried all those variants... nada. Fucking LOL at having to put "poopypants" in a support ticket
  11. Ah, okay - let me check - I hope it's just due to the rebuilding of the database and not something else.
  12. My rep better get into positive territory otherwise the round avatars are coming back
  13. Jesus... I'm going to have to open a ticket with them - I cannot figure this out
  14. Let me see what I can do... I am sure there's a setting preventing me from using a prior name
  15. Uh... I have bad news for you - I can't even change it back to 'dr lopez' or even 'Dr Lopez'! I wonder why not? Might be the name change settings, but it shouldn't prevent me from doing it...
  16. Those prices are discounted because you are already Members Plus
  17. HOLY SHIT - you can typeahead emoji! (our emoji, not those default abominations)
  18. Oh... that's interesting. I think you'll be poopypants for a bit longer
  19. (e)ugene - I need you to pay for a subscription to help support the site like everyone else. I will do my best to ensure that you get billed annually as well.
  20. Why in the hell did you change it to that to begin with?!?
  21. Name changes are for members with a subscription, but since this is 'growing pains', I'll change yours - PM me what it should be/what you want it to be.
  22. Yeah; I adjusted the avatar dimensions in the theme, but I fear the upgrade process resized the images to fit their default little round circle...
  23. Examples (just so others can see as well)?
  24. Noted; I will see what can be done about the mobile layout - good thing is it is all customizable! I think it would help for those feeling things are too spaced out (I personally don't mind it myself).
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