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Everything posted by Joyrex

  1. I am looking at restoring the join date on the user post information - it was an addon previously and I don't know if there is an updated version for the new forum software.
  2. If anyone's wondering how to do the Bandcamp embed: Get the Wordpress embed code and grab the album parameter: [bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=3974210800 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small] Next, copy just the album number and click the Bandcamp icon in the editor toolbar (next to the Spoiler tag) and when prompted, paste in the album number. It's not as seamless as just pasting the URL, but it's a start. Now, to get those SoundCloud player sizes under control...
  3. Bandcamp player embed test: FUCK YEAH!
  4. Okay - we have the technology now - I think we should consider building a SoundCloud dump track er, tracker here on WATMM. What do you guys think?
  5. How is it broken? I just tested it and don't seem to have any issues...
  6. Would you Coil fans be interested in a Coil Club on the site?
  7. No, no more negative points - it's either no points or only positive points.
  8. @oscillik pantz are pooped
  9. Great news, everyone! </farnsworth> @Mentions should be fixed now (give 'em a try), and all background processes are completed (at last), so search and other stuff should be working correctly - if not, please let me know.
  10. Yeah, didn't have allowed file types (didn't carry over during forum upgrade for some reason). I've got some fixing to do! Dude, I can't 'child-proof' the site - the mark site read button (I find) is extremely useful after looking at unread content to basically mark everything I've looked at as read, so when I come back, only new stuff is shown. it's a two-part prompt if I remember correctly anyway... See above for reasoning
  11. Anything from Downloads, or a specific selection? Yeah, need to adjust that - again, just a basic theme I picked up for FREE to tide us over until I can get a proper WATMM Classic and WATMM After Dark themes going with our colour schemes. You're talking about a fixed header - Tomorrow's Harvest has that Noted - might be better to just put time into a real WATMM After Dark theme than modify the stock one; we'll see Yes; I am looking at a plugin that gives more control over embeds like SoundCloud.
  12. Funny; the only difficulty I remember was not being able to change direction after jumping
  13. Where was this? What were you doing/trying to do?
  14. That's really interesting... I didn't think anybody actually used Edge You can change it in your account settings. RE: Profile image - Are you talking about your avatar? Sorry, but that's for your own protection - and I have no sympathy because at work I have an 18-digit password that I must change every 90 days, and I can remember it (type it enough times and you will - turn off "remember password" for WATMM in Chrome, and practice typing it over and over - after five times or so, muscle memory should kick in and you'll have no problems. You could also store it securely in your phone behind a password-protected file. Just be glad I didn't turn on Two-Factor authentication for you guys (but that really is overkill) ?
  15. So instead of a Porsche or similar you build the McLaren of computers... nice!
  16. Can't please everyone... to be fair, the Dark Theme is just a theme I picked up so those complaining about the current theme being too bright would have another alternative besides the Tomorrow's Harvest theme. WATMM Classic will continue to evolve as I have the time to tweak it.
  17. Damn - really thought I was onto something... more research. Also - for those of you pining for the old BBCode editor - turns out the new forum software abandoned BBCode in favour of HTML (and unfortunately for obvious reasons I cannot allow just anybody to edit HTML on the forum). Also, for those of you who noticed the lack of an unlink button, when you create a hyperlink, you can CTRL (or CMD on Mac) + Right Click and choose Remove Hyperlink.
  18. Okay, been super productive today getting shit sorted, let's see if BandCamp embeds work: https://casinoversusjapan.bandcamp.com/album/frozen-geometry
  19. Autechre Live @ National Concert Hall, Dublin, Ireland 15 July 2018 View File Live recording of Autechre performing at the National Concert Hall in Dublin, Ireland on 15 July, 2018. Submitted by @italiceyeball: Submitter Joyrex Submitted 05/09/19 Category Autechre  
  20. Aphex Twin @ Funkhaus Berlin, 1 November 2018 View File Excerpt from NME, 2 November 2018: https://www.nme.com/reviews/live/aphex-twin-funkhaus-berlin-review-nov-2018 Submitter Joyrex Submitted 05/09/19 Category Aphex Twin  
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