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Posts posted by Adieu

  1. I'm going to get some of this to help enhance my dreaming experience.



    the hell is this? dramatic, desperate marketing... (alpha brain? seriously? lol) I'd just get some melatonin or something. completely natural



    Uh, it is just supposed to help your brain function better. I think it is worth trying and I've heard really good things about 5HTP, but that is actually in this https://www.onnit.com/new-mood/ , but you can buy 5HTP by itself. Anything that touts enhanced lucid experiences I'm definitely interested in. Also, Joe Rogan pimps this stuff and I dig his show and philosophies so...I'm also all about modifying the body both chemically and otherwise right now so I'm willing to give things like this a chance. Melatonin is like the opposite of this because it puts you to sleep.


    Are you guys always able to remember your dreams in great details? Aren't they sometimes just blurry memories?


    No, not always. I dreamt I had come up with this really interesting plot for a film the other night and then I woke up. I had thought I was awake while I was dreaming it and so I didn't have to worry about remembering it. When I woke up I forgot the idea entirely.

  2. Not quite an adaptor story, but I was once sampling the bible on cassette, and at a part about hellfire, the batteries exploded acid all over the back of the player's case. It was pretty awesome... I thought Satan himself was getting down with my samples. Turns out I had just mixed a rechargeable battery with a standard AA.


    exploding electronic fwps ftw.



  3. I plugged the wrong a/c adapter into a hard drive enclosure I was planning to use and the most frightening tiny-ass explosion occurred.

    I've always feared that this would happen to me and out of all the mismatched a/c adapters I've used I was begining to think they were all interchangeable.


    I plugged in a mini muff one time and it started smoking so I turned it off. It still works though incredibly.

  4. here's a tip: when you have sleep paralysis and you feel like there's an intruder in the room, instead of getting scared, try to fuck it. the shadow person will likely comply.


    you're welcome.


    Haha I hope I have sleep paralysis again tonight. I really need to get laid.

  5. I had a series a sleep paralysis type dreams where I would sense a negative presence in my room and I wouldn't be able to move, but it would do things like pull my arms and put its hands on my face. I would struggle trying to wake up to get away from it, but it took a lot of effort and I would spend time laying there without being able to move. This happened several times throughout the night until the morning.


    This is really common with sleep paralysis. From what I remember it's because the midbrain (which can be responsible for hallucinations) is highly active but because your body is still asleep, your instinctive sense of responding to threats is heightened to abnormal levels causing unusually high activity in the amblangada, causing hallucinations of an intruder being in the room threatening your ability to escape danger. I used to get it a lot as a teenager and still get it occasionally if I fuck up an attempt to lucid dream; the best thing to do is to focus on moving one finger or a toe and slowly letting your body wake up to the sensation. Sending specific signals like that I find helps hallucinations pass far quicker and awakening the body is a lot easier too.


    Yeah, I just struggled to sit up until I could finally sit up, and sometimes I would be able to pull myself out of sleep by opening my eyes. it was pretty hard and I felt paranoid the entire night. I was wondering if perhaps I was being visited by a ghost or something. I'm glad it is just my mind freaking out during sleep.

  6. I'm too socially retarded to meet girls in real life. Then again, I'm also too socially retarded to take any risks on a first date, so probably appear boring most of the time.


    You gotta start doing some blow or something before hand. Maybe carry a knife with you and just wave it around at random times as well. Girls want you to be little crazy. Maybe slip her some ecstasy. I dunno something to make her really remember the experience.

  7. I hate the throwaway nature of okcupid dates and how a cute girl won't even politely decline a second date, instead just not replying at all to a text about it.

    Also I seem to not be good enough for the girls who I think are good enough for me. Stupid high standards.


    That site is aids. I had a profile on there for about a week to see what it is about. Not fer me. Fuck'em as I say.


    I've had a couple of good experiences, but generally the girls I like don't like me, and I'm not interested in the girls who like me. A little phenomenon I like to call Costanza syndrome.

    It's helped me understand my taste in women a bit more though, in that it's allowed me to tighten up my standards a little and realise that it's ok to be a bit shallow sometimes, especially since most girls on that site are anyway.


    I should start a blog about okcupid from a male perspective..


    Be sure to note the douchey girls who are in relationships, but still use the website.

  8. I hate the throwaway nature of okcupid dates and how a cute girl won't even politely decline a second date, instead just not replying at all to a text about it.

    Also I seem to not be good enough for the girls who I think are good enough for me. Stupid high standards.


    That site is aids. I had a profile on there for about a week to see what it is about. Not fer me. Fuck'em as I say.

  9. I had a series a sleep paralysis type dreams where I would sense a negative presence in my room and I wouldn't be able to move, but it would do things like pull my arms and put its hands on my face. I would struggle trying to wake up to get away from it, but it took a lot of effort and I would spend time laying there without being able to move. This happened several times throughout the night until the morning.

  10. I watched Walkabout and The Idiot (although I fell asleep during the second part). They were both Okay. The Idiot is Akira Kurosawa's adaptation of the book The Idiot by Dostoyevsky. The Walkabout has a lot of nudity. I think it is really interesting how it seems like there was a period where nudity wasn't really a big deal in cinema. It ends up showing a young girl (I couldn't tell if she was of age, but she seems to be borderline) and a young boy both completely nude at one point. It is done very tastefully, but I feel if you showed a young boy naked these days that you would get a lot of backlash.

  11. If you are saying I condone her lying I never said anything close to that. If you are saying she doesn't have the right as a human being to lie if she wants to then you are wrong. All the rest I don't really give a shit about. If you want to give advice to this guy by all means go ahead.
    *somehow* i knew you would actually say that 'she has a right to lie'. in most cases it isn't against the law so i guess you could take it to mean you have 'the right' to do it. so depending on how you define 'right' i could actually agree with you, but that's not the point here and it's just a shitty way to look at it. the fact that you would even say that, to me, does indicate that in some small way you are trying to rationalize it. instead of saying 'lying to someone who trusts you is wrong' you choose to say 'they have a right to lie to you' which just absolutely and entirely is not the point. you basically told him to be happy with getting her back even if she is lying to him/hiding things, just don't ask about it because what he doesn't know won't hurt him (until it does). excuse me for thinking that's a bit telling. i also think so many people having that type of mentality is why so many other people in the world are suffering emotionally, but whatever.


    As if something being against the law is an good indicator of it being morally right or wrong. Rationalize what exactly? A bit telling of what exactly? Are you really using my advice to make parallels to the emotional suffering of the entire world? In eight sentences even. I think that you going out of your way to use my advice to make attacks against me makes you a douche bag.


    you basically told him to be happy with getting her back even if she is lying to him/hiding things, just don't ask about it because what he doesn't know won't hurt him (until it does).


    Actually, I was saying given the somewhat casual nature of their relationship, based on the amount of time that has passed during their being together, that it might be best to let it go and not make a big thing of whatever it was that caused her to be so aloof. Finding out things like this (if this scenario is in fact what is going on) can be really hard to process emotionally, but in the end they are sometimes irrelevant to the situation as a whole. These situations can cause resentment in your heart that is very difficult to process for a lot of people. Being silent about something isn't necessary lying or hiding unless you have an obligation to that person. Once again barring more pertinent information being shared I don't believe she has an obligation to tell him everything at this point in their relationship. Now if he were to ask about it specifically because it is bothering him then yes the moral thing to do would be to be honest. The thing is a lot of people's first instinct is to preserve the thing that they want rather than risk it being ruined because of something they feel in their heart to be irrelevant. This unfortunately tends to cause a lot of people to lie. If you haven't noticed I haven't stated that I think this is morally right. Just that it is something I've observed in human beings, so I don't understand why you are saying I'm trying to "rationalize" it. Identifying and attempting to understand something does not mean you agree with it or promote it. "Until it does" is predicting the future which I try to avoid thinking I can do. Is there a possibility that something related to this situation will hurt him down the road? Sure. Is it a given? No.


    Firstly, I would like to state that in basically every situation ever regarding a girl, being "cool" about something is the easiest way to gain their attention, admiration, and curiosity. (although I do suggest being jealous when warranted in a serious relationship) Mr. E thinks that this would make you look like a pushover and pussy. (my words) I disagree, because every other dude that she has dated who is in fact a emotional bitch has probably made a big deal over things of this nature, which then leads to conflict, and causes a breakdown in the relationship. This just furthers the cycle of her wanting to look around somewhere else for a stable relationship. I think that the ballsy thing to do is to pretend you don't give a shit even if you do and then show her that you are secure in yourself and are not dependent on her to be happy. To say that this gives her a "free pass" to do whatever she likes and you will be okay with it is not true. If this is regular behavior for her then the relationship isn't going to work anyway. Pick your battles as they say. If you believe that her seeing someone else in this nature is a deal breaker then do yourself a favor and break it off entirely. Good luck though.

  12. "but then you go on to suggest that she would lie if asked directly about it which definitely goes beyond the question of 'rights' (but the context suggests that you also think lying would be her 'right', which is a bit revealing)"


    If you are saying I condone her lying I never said anything close to that. If you are saying she doesn't have the right as a human being to lie if she wants to then you are wrong. All the rest I don't really give a shit about. If you want to give advice to this guy by all means go ahead.



    Also, "still kind of" read under certain circumstances. It is amazing how you seem to always miss these things.

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