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Posts posted by Adieu

  1. I had a dream where my ex-gf and I were running around the forest and getting naked. We were kissing, and having sex and then wandering around some more. It was really beautiful. Everything around us was green and bright, but our bodies were pale and white. You could distinctly see the contrast between the two. Every time I woke up momentarily and went back to sleep we were in the same place doing the same things. Then she took me to her parents house where this ominous and dark man was at the home. Later she left and her family was there. I watched him kill all of them sort of like I was watching from a cctv feed, but I was actually the camera. Then I spent the rest of the dream trying to find her, warn her, and tell her what happened. I never found her.


    I also think (because it literally is that foggy of a memory) I had this dream recently where I was under water and swimming and coming up for air in this dark water like one would see in a river in the woods. I was coming up one time and the water had iced over and I couldn't find a place to get air so I was helplessly drowning. I thought I was going to die and then I woke up.

  2. Yeah, I think I'm listening to the 2007 audiobook. The dude does the voices really well, but I think mine is only 6 hrs not the 9 hr unabridged. I could be wrong though.


    Anyone familiar with these?


    Blade Runner 2: The Edge of Human (1995), Blade Runner 3: Replicant Night (1996), Blade Runner 4: Eye and Talon(2000)


    Written by Philip K. Dick's buddy.


    Just curious if they are any good? As far as the story goes though. There is definitely room for another movie. Sequel or Prequel.


    I thought the Rosen Corporation scene was much more interesting than in the movie.

  3. I'm listening to the original audiobook during my drives and it is a lot better than the movie in my opinion. (of course people always say this) It just makes a lot more sense and is a lot more intimate. I'm noticing a lot of irony and a sort of dark humor.

  4. So phudoshin is RDJ a good dancer? I've been curious about this ever since he said he wondered if Stockhausen could dance and also because he seems so shy/introverted during his gigs.


    EDIT: also, how come there is no pictures or footage of RDJ dancing?

  5. There's another possible Mike n Rich track on that RARE AFX blog - though it sounds like an unreleased Melodies from Mars track to me.


    Any ideas?


    Bottom of this page - http://rareafx.wordp...-tracksremixes/


    I've had that for years; at least since early 2000 - it was on a compilation of 'random AFX' tracks that had the Peel Sessions, etc.


    Whoever is running this site - they're letting a lot of cats out of a lot of bags...






    Good thing the only people that care about this type of stuff are members of this forum.

  6. get me another tie get me another shirt get me another wooly, eeeeeeeeeveryy dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


    What is a wooly? I always thought she was saying woman.


    what does the girl say in a "to cure a weakling child"

    i alsways hear : I hurt my arms and my legs, and yoor pffwneee



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    sup James!


    Umm.. I think she is saying, "My feet, etc etc." Supposedly, sampled from a vitamin commercial per a youtube comment.





    There is so much processing on this song. Listen to it. The bass drum sounds double tracked, accents are phased, and a bunch of other stuff. Slowing it down really helps you appreciate the work that went into something like this. (Yes, I quoted myself)

  7. get me another tie get me another shirt get me another wooly, eeeeeeeeeveryy dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


    What is a wooly? I always thought she was saying woman.


    what does the girl say in a "to cure a weakling child"

    i alsways hear : I hurt my arms and my legs, and yoor pffwneee



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    sup James!


    Umm.. I think she is saying, "My feet, etc etc." Supposedly, sampled from a vitamin commercial per a youtube comment.



  8. just admit you want to jump on his pants like every single one of us


    I'm not really attracted to guys, sorry to disappoint... In terms of career, I want to be like him. I don't want to be with him. I don't care about him at all, outside of the context of music making.


    Not really...meaning if she likes you she will still give you a go. :wink:

  9. This is the first time I heard of the Frank Sidebottom stunt on TV. It seems like there was a video of it on YouTube, but the account was closed. I'm not british and I didn't know who Sidebottom was, but for those who've seen it, was it cool?


    It was on youtube for a bit. It was interesting I suppose. It is hard for him to not come off as an asshole though.




    I like how he answered the question about his girlfriend's sister singing on MSM + SMM. It was nice. It also made listening to it just now that much better.


    I bought that Another Man interview off the internet because the one I found posted only had the second page. I think that is originally why I joined these forums. I was trying to figure out if there was more Aphex and if he was going to release a new album.



    My favorite thing about reading interviews though is because it keeps me motivated to make music. It's really easy to get lazy when it isn't your source of income. It keeps me wanting to test myself and try weird things.

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