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Posts posted by Adieu

  1. I think I posted this before, but just in case anyone missed it...


    If you play DayZ I own a DayZ server "US 303 Dallas". My friend admins it and it is one of the best run servers available to play, because he is super savvy and runs a lot of anti-hacking scripts. If any of you are interested of course.

  2. Max/MSP is not a DAW or even strictly a music-making tool. it's a programming language. you have to code your own everything. it's not like you load it up and start dropping in amen breaks and 303 vsts. seen so many threads from "complete noobs" who seem to want to use it because autechrez and teh afex twins use it and I want to do that crazy drumz like they do. personally this annoys me.



    Well to be fair I'm probably being modest about my ability to use DAW's. I've been using Reason casually for 7 years or so. My main reason for wanting to use Max is to learn more about synthesis and add a new element to my creative process. Even if I never used anything I did in Max for my songs I feel it would make me a better artist.


    as a max fanatic myself i do of course love max & ive never regretted a single cent of the money (nor the countless hours) i spent on it, but--


    try & get a clear idea of what you wanna do. if you wanna learn the ins & outs of dsp, theres no better starting point in my opinion. pd is free & open source & cool & all, but the learning curve will be even steeper, as the documentation & help is less organized. which brings me to the next point:


    for me, coming from reason (i still use it as a rewire slave to max!) & live basically, it took about 1.5 years to realize what i had in mind (i didnt know WHAT i had in mind before, although i thought i did, but thats another story...). then again i make almost all of my effects/sound processors/samplers myself which is rather unusal (& sometimes bordering on the autistic). you can get decent stuff out of it in a couple of months i guess?


    however, try it out. maybe its just what you want? max sure is perfect for stochastic/generative stuff. i love that since i find manual arranging tedious & boring! which on the other hand means giving away a bit of control...

    trackers on the other hand-- i never got into them, which i regret. i guess if youre into that kind of workflow you can get ultra-complex structures while retaining control over everything in no time??!


    dont know if that was any help at all. anyway, have fun!


    ^This. I want to know everything I can.

  3. also, if you're a noob to most daws, I suggest you just start to really learn the ins and outs of one that appeals to you before getting into the weirder patching software. unless you know what the daw can do natively, how ya gonna know what you need to patch up yourself?



    Well, I have a pretty good understanding of Reason although I have thoughts of ideas with which I need to experiment. I sort of know the things it does well naturally. Like, I said, I think that some of the audio processing and sample chopping stuff I can achieve through Reason, but I don't think I'll be able to really flex my muscles in that arena. It also doesn't seem like the best way to do remixes either, but I've seen a couple techniques for getting it done. What I'm really looking for is to fill in the gaps between the programs with as little overlap as possible. You know an efficient workflow.


    Also, Max and Reaktor seem to add a lot of different variations to workflow and experimentation that I feel I would enjoy and also learn quite a bit from. I'm definitely not at a point where I'm going to put Reason down though. Even though a few people on this forum have been insisting that it is liming my music production. I've been using it so long that it is really second nature to me and I understand it so I'm not going to start all over on something like Ableton, FLS, or whatever.

  4. I don't get your Recycle comment Polymer...


    I understand that my questioning comes without fully understanding the complete purpose and capability of each piece of software, but I'm using the forum to forgo the necessity of doing lots of research. I personally would rather jump into something and figure it out as I go.


    I need something where I can cut up samples and then load them into the Reason samplers and make them my own. I know you can kind of do this in Reason itself and I haven't pushed the limits of it yet, but I think Recycle would help with things like time-stretching and also remixing tracks. I think I could use Reason to do remixes, but I'm not sure how easy it will be.


    I also want to do some spectral mapping stuff sort of in the same style as "Synthacon 9" and "The Manchester Track".


    That is what he is doing correct? I listened to S9 as intently as I possibly could and it sounds like the vocals were mapped so that they change pitch in a really rigid way with the music to create a harmony. It also makes the vocals unintelligible which is something with which I want to work. In a lot of my work I make patches that have vocal quality about them without the distraction of actually being vocals.


    Right now I'm working on developing a process where I utilize both digital and hardware and I'm just trying to round everything out so my ideas aren't limited by software constraints.


    I don't have much programming experience so I should probably hold off on Max until I have more time to really learn it inside and out, but I thought possibly even small instances of successful experimentation could be used in my workflow.


    I think I just need something to process audio and then later I could get Reaktor for some synthesis fun.

  5. So I'm looking into getting some more software to augment my creative process. I'm a complete noob when it comes to Max and a lot of DAW's as well.


    Is this the only way to get my hands on it and is there a cheaper alternative?




    I also want to use it with this because it seems interesting.


    http://www.dynamictonality.com/spectools.htm (also just logging this because I'm about to reformat today)


    I want to get Reaktor eventually as well.


    Do you think Reason + Reaktor + Max = a decent workflow? Is there overlap here?


    Suggestions for freeware/cheaper versions of Reaktor and Max are welcome as well.


    I was also considering getting Recycle for more sound processing capabilities.


    All comments, opinions, rants, rambles, are welcome.


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  6. I just had a really long dream. we were walking through a field with trees overhead and talking. it was very pleasant actually. at one point I tried to run from you but you kept catching me. It was like I was too heavy to get away. You told me you were pregnant and then I started screaming and crying. I screamed myself awake.

  7. Yeah, also sweatpants are super fashionable. Really the basic difference between being fashionable and not is the way your clothes fit. Having clothes that fit you properly or are cut in an interesting way is the best way to be fashionable. Your style should be organic and appear effortless. But yeah not a huge difference in materials or quality generally speaking. I think you are kind of doing yourself a disservice not to express something with your clothes. If you are going to wear something you should enjoy it.

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