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Posts posted by YO303

  1. @ Chen, you say that (and im sure you are kidding) but there are consequences to that kind of lifestyle, by the time you are 40 your body is gone, and you are left with some savings, no skills and probably dont have the energy to gain a skill (some people do and good on them for that but its not easy at all).


    There is a reason why i dont do that kind of work anymore, im making about 20,000 less a year simply because i could not take it anymore, those extra 20k is just not worth it, your body feels it, your minds feels it. I remember my mother telling me back when i was working as a garbage man and making 32 dollars an hour that i looked so old and tired, and that made me really sad, it made me ask why and the conclusion i came to is that i was destroying my body for an unsatisfying job and for money that was not making me happy at all.


    Yeah you make a lot of money but at what cost. Life is precious, and you need a healthy body/mind to enjoy it.


    Would to see stats on drug use and unskilled hard labor, i'll bet you anything that a huge percentage of unskilled hard-labor workers have substance abuse issues, i mean i saw it with my own eyes but would i dont have the data to say what percentage in general.


    The democrats are being shits for not accepting Trump's terms, every dreamer i know (selfishly) are screaming at democrats for not accepting the deal. Democrats are using dreamers to obstruct Trump's administration, i mean the guy wants to give us a path to citizenship (something obama and democrats never wanted to give us), give the man the wall!!! i dont want to go back to my birth country, i love it here and want to become a citizen.


    the reason there is any offer is because the democrats demanded it. they are bargaining because they know they have the leverage to do so. also, the dreamer thing was created by obama. 


    the republicans are not the ones fighting for dreamers. democrats are.



    Republicans control both house + presidency, a CLEAN DREAM ACT aint gonna happen, time to wake up and smell the coffee. My frustration comes from democrats acting like a 16 year old trowing a fit because daddy didnt get the car they wanted for their sweet 16. The only way we are getting DACA is by giving trump funding for border security/wall, that is the reality of the situation end of story. If democrats want to wait 'till 2020 to pass a CLEAN DREAM ACT fine but most of us are going to be deported by then unless they compromise.


    I don't understand why the idea of compromise is so alien to people, you cant always get what you want, specially when you are the minority party, time for the democrats to be adults and compromise.


    This is simply not true. A bunch of red states were taking DACA to the courts, DACA was going to lose just like DAPA did a couple of years ago because both daca and dapa are unconstitutional. Trump probably did us a favor (not on purpose of course) by ending earlier cause it sparked action.


    The democrats are being shits for not accepting Trump's terms, every dreamer i know (selfishly) are screaming at democrats for not accepting the deal. Democrats are using dreamers to obstruct Trump's administration, i mean the guy wants to give us a path to citizenship (something obama and democrats never wanted to give us), give the man the wall!!! i dont want to go back to my birth country, i love it here and want to become a citizen.


    the reason there is any offer is because the democrats demanded it. also, the dreamer thing was created by obama and the democrats. 


    the republicans are not the ones fighting for dreamers. democrats are.



    I never said republicans are fighting for dreamers, they dont give a shit about us (expect Lindsay graham) they are just using us for the wall/border security, but i expect them to use people as bargain chips cause they are a bunch of ayn rand loving cunts.


    Also, the democrats demanded it, republicans responded with an offer and now democrats are refusing to compromise, they'll rather burn DACA to the ground than give trump funding for the wall.


    Who the fuck is making 6 figures doing landscaping? Maybe construction, maybe, but roughnecks working in the oil patch up north in Alberta were maybe pulling in 6 figures during the boom, but that’s working 80+ hours a week in a shithole in the middle of nowhere.

    Day labourers aren’t making 6 figures a year pouring concrete or doing demo. Plus if you get injured in the US with no insurance you’re fucked.


    My first landscaping job i got paid 250 for a days work picking up twigs so the guys that work the machines can do their job. If you know how to use a landscaping machine you can easily make around 300-500 a day. It is rough work but if you can handle it im sure the pay is worth it.


    The way it works is a contractor gets paid for a job, then the contractor has two choices, hire legal labor and pay for the wages, insurance, regulation fees, etc  or pay a day laborer 500 for a days work and pocket the money you would spend on extra fees for hiring legal labor. The way it was explained to me legal labor costs around 300 dollars more than illegal under the table labor, thats why contractors do it and thats why if you come to my town at 5-6 am you'll see a bunch of dudes standing in corners looking for work and an hour later those corner are empty.

  5. On the first point, not everybody wants a career, a lot of them come for a couple of years make money and leave the country, a lot of them send the money back home to build a house or help family. I guess there are many reasons to work for under the table, you gonna have to ask them i guess, i can only report on the people i know (which i understand is not a good sample size but i dont have the resources to go around the country and ask the 1 million who qualify for DACA why they havent signed up yet)


    On Trump's word - There is a bill, if it passes both houses and its sign into law then there is nothing to worry about cause its the law of the land, even if he changes his mind he can't do shit.


    On the first article you posted, im in the same camp, if DACA isn't fix i'll turn myself in, i dont want to live in this country illegally. 


    On the disneyland article, i dont understand why you posted that, the people protesting already have DACA, of course they want it lol.


    The question to ask here is why out of the 1.8 millions who qualify for DACA, only 680,000 signed up for it, im sure there are many reasons but like i said i can only report on the people i know.

  6. The problem i have with liberals and democrats on this issue is that they want unrealistic things/refuse to compromise. We live in a country with liberals, conservatives and everything in between, you gotta compromise. The solution to the DACA problem is right in from of them and they are refusing to take it because they want to obstruct the Trump administration no matter what. In the meantime time is running out, DACA is going to expire and all of us will be in danger of deportation, now can you see why im so angry with democrats? they are making our lives stressful as fuck for political reason, and fuck anyone who uses people's livelihoods for political/ideological reasons.

  7. Obviously you are not going to find millionares but you can easily make 6 figures a year working construction/landscaping jobs like that, i know guys that make 500-600 a day/7 days a week under the table. If you are making that kind of cash you don't want DACA because 1 - you have to pay taxes on it, 2- you get pay way less because now you are under regulations (example - can't work past certain amount of hours, your employer has to pay worker's comp, shit like that) and 3 - you need to get an education and that costs money and time, time you can be spending working under the table making 6 figures. I cannot tell you what percentage of illegal immigrants fall in this category because there are some that work with fake papers and don't make that much money but ill bet you anything the majority of them don't qualify for DACA anyways.


    DACA is not a path to citizenship, its just protection from deportation and permission to work and study in the country.


    The main reason conservatives don't like DACA is that its unconstitutional (im sure some of them are racist and dont want any more brown people in the country but who knows what percentage of them think like that)


    Obama and the democrats had many chances to make DACA the law of the land, Republicans like Lindsay Graham offered to work with dems to pass the bill but for political reasons it never happened.


    As for Trump, on the campaign trail he said he was going to end DACA but then quickly realized he can use us as a bargain chip for the wall. Trump wants to give us a path for citizenship in exchange for border security/wall money/immigration reform (see SOTU speech) which is a great compromise in my opinion, specially since the wall will never be built, they'll just renovate whatever is there already, mainly fences.

  8. On the white hipster thing, oviously there is nothing wrong with standing up for justice and for whats right but the linda sansour types dont care about solutions, they just care about forcing their believes on other, and the daca issue shows that clearly.


    On illegals making money, yes its all under the table, if you apply for daca you have to pay taxes and pay for school, thats why there is a million immigrants who qualify for daca and not interested in it.


    On stefan molenyx, he is a cunt and the welfare argument is bullshit because illegals dont qualify for shit unless they have american babies (even there they only get food stamps which is hardly exploiting the system)

  9. Have you ever been to one of her demonstrations? Its her and a bunch of white hipster "speaking for the opressed" chanting stupid shit like "we are here to stay" "this is their land" and "clean dream act or nothing". Oh and dont you dare suggest we should compromise on this issue cause theyll just call you an Uncle Tom.


    The proposal im talking about is the 4 pillars of immigration reform he spoke about in the SOTU.

  10. And the fucked up thing is that you have organizations like dreamact now and idiots like linda sansour that claim to speak for us,making us look bad and entitled where in reality they are just using us to further their crazy ultra leftists agenda.


    Trump's proposal on immigration is probably the most sensible thing he has put on the table so far. In a country of 350 million people sometimes you gotta compromise, and trump's immigration deal is just that, a middle of the road compromise, but unfortunately because of the democrats and crazy leftists organizations it looks like that deal wont happen but maybe thats what they want because then they can turn around and say "see how cruel these people are, vote for me".

  11. I kind of agree with kelly here, it took me two years to sign up for daca because i was too lazy/comfortable with my situation prior to being a dreamer.


    What many people who defend illegal immigration don't know is that you can make some serious cash being illegal in this country, if you play your cards right you keep 100 percent of your money, many people who qualify for DACA don't want it for that same reason, they dont want to get ahead in this country, they just want to make money (and if thats what you want to do thats fine i dont judge but i want to get ahead in this country and get an education)


    The democrats are being shits for not accepting Trump's terms, every dreamer i know (selfishly) are screaming at democrats for not accepting the deal. Democrats are using dreamers to obstruct Trump's administration, i mean the guy wants to give us a path to citizenship (something obama and democrats never wanted to give us), give the man the wall!!! i dont want to go back to my birth country, i love it here and want to become a citizen.

  12. I watched the launch live and felt very proud. Especially how the whole thing landed back on Earth like some sci-fi stuff. Future on its way.

    However, i didn't catch... did they bring the car back or left it in orbit?


    The car will not go into orbit around Mars. Rather the second stage of the Heavy is to fire three times to send the car on an elliptical orbit around the sun that extends as far out as Mars, and that car could remain in orbit for hundreds of millions of years. At times, it might pass very close to Mars, and Mr. Musk said there was an “extremely tiny” chance that it could crash into Mars.


  13. is anyone following the conte vs mourinho stuff?


    mourinhio calls conte a clown


    conte then said mourinho has dementia


    then mourinhio said "at least i was never banned for match fixing"


    the last i've heard conte called mourinho a little man



    (cant wait for the next chelsea united game)


    im with conte on this one, jose mourhino is a cunt 













    trump is right to say that bannon doesn't represent his base\


    This is BS, most of Trump's base is Braitbart's base


    Breaitbart created the rhetoric, trump repeated it during the campaign, thats why all those chimps that read breaitbart loved trump from the start, he was telling them what they have been reading on breaitbart for years.



    i like how you accidentally pre-emptively addressed your own bullshit with a preface, kinda reads like "so, this is bs, but..."




    i challenge you to prove to me beyond reasonable doubt that the majority of trump voters are brietbart reading juvinile shitlords, half of whom can't even vote. this represents a decent chunk of his base, but he won largely with disaffected middle class voters and boomers. also racists, he's hyuge with racists. i understand this includes many sub categories, but that's also the point...i bet many us watmmers have grandparents who voted for trump. also parents. i doubt these people read brietbart. i get where you're coming from regarding the source of trump's rhetoric, but that doesn't mean that bannon represents anyone but himself and selected private interests.



    okay lets think about it. Out of the people who voted from trump first you have to separate the conservatives who always vote republicans and the MAGA crowd, those two are completely different types of conservatives. Once you remove the always republican from the equation. you are left with MAGA and Hilary haters. The always republicans and the hilary haters are not trump's base, Trump's base is the MAGA people and if you look at the tenets of MAGA they are straight out of Breitbart and Steve Bannon's brain (nationalism,xenophobia).


    All trump did to win the primaries was repeat Breitbart headlines, he was speaking directly to the breitbart readers, he energized them because he was the first candidate that "thinks" like them, he won the primary with their vote. Once he became the republican candidate he gain all the always vote republican votes.


    The only people that still support trump and feel energize about his presidency is the MAGA crowd (a few partisan republicans here and there).


    I guess my point is, Trump sold Breitbart's rhetoric, people bought it but trump is just the salesman, Bannon made the rhetoric.








    trump is right to say that bannon doesn't represent his base\


    This is BS, most of Trump's base is Braitbart's base


    Breaitbart created the rhetoric, trump repeated it during the campaign, thats why all those chimps that read breaitbart loved trump from the start, he was telling them what they have been reading on breaitbart for years.

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