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Posts posted by YO303

  1. i saw this again in some kind of dolby atmos theater and the seats were literally vibrating to the point that i couldn't focus on the movie at all. it felt like star tours. 


    same here, the vibrating seats are pointless, everything else was great tho (sound and video)


    this movie has to be seen on an imax or dolby theater, its such a visual masterpiece

  2. Real quote


    ---Trump, as so often, called the media “fake.” And then he, it seemed, took credit for coining the word “fake.”


    “I think one of the greatest of all terms I’ve come up with is ‘fake.’ I guess other people have used it, perhaps, over the years, but I’ve never noticed it,” he said.


    Trump would not have even been correct if he meant to refer specifically to the phrase “fake news.”---


    dan bilzerian is probably the worst american in history


    of the very visible americans he certainly is pretty terrible... but i suspect there's a worse person who is hidden and powerful and affecting lot's of people's lives. but bilzerian is pretty awful.. worse than a kardashian.

    Logically there are worse Americans than him but none of them inspire pure true hate in me like Dan bilzerian does

  4. The day an american is added to the watmm featured artists subforum is the day I delete my account forever

    Not a fan of the flash bulb ?


    His music is premier quality idm, I think he is up there with aphex and autochre


    His album ACID WOLF is the album every British wanna be acid artists wish they made


    Stick to eurodance, leave the idm for the sophisticated American earss

  5. Just because the GOP are full of ass bags doesn't mean some of the Dems aren't slimy. I'm frankly quite pissed that some of them refuse to get on board with the healthcare-for-all bill. They might as well switch sides.

    Why do you blame Democrats for refusing to support the medicade-for-all bill? It's a giant waste of time and just more pandering bullshit


    At this moment I'm looking for pragmatic reasonable politicians, I'm sick of the loons, ideologues and corrupt.

  6. Also when you google AI you're gonna find a bunch of sensationalist bullshit - if you actually want to get educated try "machine learning".


    have you seen the movie colossus: the forbin project?


    i think that movie shows perfectly the dangers of AI .. giving a self-improving algorithm the key to our society


    look at what happens with simple AI bots, they go off the deep end after a few hours of interacting with the world 


    i don't think those worries are sensationalist bullshit

  7. The point of the lawsuit was to force Trump to end daca immediately, sessions was not going to defend daca in court anyways (and like I said before daca was presidential overreach,it would've lost the lawsuit)


    What Trump did was give Congress a chance to legalize daca so it's protected from lawsuits and it can stand a chance in court if challenged


    And by the way I'm not the only one that feels this way, most of the dreamers are happy with this, it was the best case scenario


    I hate Trump as much as the next guy but he made the compassionate decision here believe me.

  8. OK, now I'm confused.


    there is nothing to be confused about, trump is an asshole and one of the worst presidents ever, but hes not hitler, he knew that deporting 800k college students with clean records was no good


    his base, bannon and miller all wanted to end daca and deport us all immediately but he ignored all of them and made the compassionate decision  

  9. the left's reaction to trump's decision to end daca is a disgrace 


    what trump did today the greatest most compassionate thing he has done so far, he has saved us dreamers from certain doom


    8 AG's from red states were going to sue the government (a lawsuit they would have won, daca WAS presidential overreach) and force the administration to end daca immediately 


    trump never wanted to end daca but he was force by those 8 AG's to make a decision by sept 5, he could have ended it and revoke out work permits immediately but he didnt, he passed the buck to congress, and when congress makes daca into law, we will be protected from any anti-immigrant AGs or any racist government official.


    ... and the left is going crazy, democrats who are suppose to be fighting for us are trowing a fit, tweeting all day how donald is an asshole 


    trump is an cunt but not today


    today he saved 800k immigrants and gave us hope 




    Putin: Leader in artificial intelligence will rule world



    The thought of a AI arms race is terrifying, and if people like putin think controlling AI will make you ruler of the world there is no way we survive the century 


    UN needs to get involve in this, make AI research neutral, force all the nations to work together.

  11. that was one of the creepiest most retarded things i've seen in my life


    how are those people so certain of the existence of god and the power of prayer, what is happening inside their brain? 


    and then they put their hands on trump to transfer godly power to him and his agenda? if god is real and just, trump and his whole administration should be rotting in jail by the end of the year

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