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Posts posted by Nebraska

  1. *can't stand that lex fridman guy. 

    Major brands such as Apple, IBM, and Lionsgate have paused their advertisements on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) after Elon Musk endorsed an anti-Semitic post on X that claimed "members of the Jewish community were stoking hatred against white people."

    "IBM has zero tolerance for hate speech and discrimination and we have immediately suspended all advertising on X while we investigate this entirely unacceptable situation," the firm had said in a statement.

    "It is unacceptable to repeat the hideous lie behind the most fatal act of anti-Semitism in American history at any time, let alone one month after the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust," White House spokesman Andrew Bates



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  2. p_107310.jpg

    this was TERRIBLE mainly due to two things: the film doesn't seem to have made a decision of what it's trying to communicate and how best to illustrate this, but the clear gaping maw of a wound here is the dialogue. not sure if the director just had ESL students write his dialogue for him but this has to be some of the worst dialogue i've ever had to put up with in a mainstream film.

    also, i get the feeling "the director of rogue one" thinks he's an auteur especially considering the (almost) 3 hr runtime 

    • Haha 1
  3. IbRgMK4.png



    New Blue Sun, then, features none of André’s intricate, river-flowing rhymes, or as NPR put it, “no bars, no beats, no sub-bass.” In fact, 3000 doesn’t sing on the record at all, but he does tear it up on his trusty flutes. In fact, he plays a number of flutes as well as digital wind instruments, and instead of his signature motor-mouthed poetry the album’s first track kind of apologizes for the lack of language with the me culpa title, “I swear, I Really Wanted To Make A ‘Rap’ Album But This Is Literally The Way The Wind Blew Me This Time.”


  4. The-Killer-Movie-Poster-qckwx33ri1vua1rh

    big fincher fan. thought the direction, production design and sound design were excellent but found parts of the script confusing. still very well made, although it feels like a film done to make a point (check that log line) rather than an actual addition into fincher's filmography.

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