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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. A good portion of this book is centered on the cultural side of things too, although it's from the individuals perspective participating in the macro-environment so ultimately they boil the cultural down to the psychological, if that makes any sense :wacko:


    Anyway, happy studies! =)


    what class/degree is it for? (if you don't mind me asking)


    I got my uni to order about 30 books (woot) and this was one of them:




    ^ just arrived




    The class is called mediated interpersonal communication (same title as the book).

    It's a required course for me to finish my BBA-Economics/Finance.


    It's all about computer mediated communication and all of the psychology behind it.

  3. ju7les was pulling wine corks out of their wine bottle like a fucking superstar... whilst wearing a cowboy hat.... and i was like, fuck damn... holy shit i'm drunk.....


    and then I was like damn fuck shit holy drunk I am


    theres this liquor called Agwa that is relatively rare in canada, actually it was just discontinued/made unavailable.... I've been driving all over the city to find it, bought 6 bottles.




    have 5 left. haha

  4. bersarin quartet starts to rap to okteber mothafuka yea caterpilla ina baathroom add some spice PITCH BENDS yea yea yea lush those chords, bath yourself in the chord cascade yo yo yo o tim hecakj hecka florian and tim hecker are lovers!!!! yo oy oy yoyoyoyoyooyoyoyoyoyooy lustmord is my veterinarian doc, yo, ye ye ye ye ye y ey ey yey aeyuaw euya ew skrillax to rule thwe world with that autistic green eyed girl!!!3wfD


    are lustmord and steinvord related?


    what if i don't have anything to say? :sad:


    you just said something. Even though it was a preposition, it was still something. =)

  5. I kill motherfuckers everyday

    let these hordes of dead fucks unite

    To mutilate the human species,

    I take pride in killing nothing will ever stop me

    from fucking murdering upheaving these human stockpiles of brown sediment

    extremely aroused by the sight of fucking pain masturbating feverishly to

    the rhythm of their prayers

    cumming on their infected bed sores

    rectally bleeding I sodomize the elderly

    spewing rapidly a bed pan bon-appetite

    despoiling, despoilment

    raping these elderly pieces of shit

    while slobbering sewage how sweet it is

    toothless and sick swallowing cum

    my blistering pecker seeps


    The only way that would have been better is if the words "murky" and "discharge" were in there. Preferably together.

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