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Plarkreluke Banloboh

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Posts posted by Plarkreluke Banloboh

  1. just listening to it now. hmm, won't hold up to all your hype that's for sure but some nice moments.

    I was thinking the exact opposite, if anything can live up to hype this is it!


    Some of those micro payment amounts could be fractional mulitples, in the way that note frequencies can be derived from harmonic divisions of a string frequency (/2, /3, /6, /8, /9, /12, /16, etc) rather than /5, /10, divisions more typical of decimal currencies (Venetian Snares time-signatures not withstanding).


    One penny x 1/6 = £0.00166 (last digit rounded down)

    One penny x 10/81 = £0.00122 (last digit rounded down)


    There might be a melody hidden in there..

    I hope its the singapore track !!


    10/81 = 1/9 + 1/9 of itself. Maybe, maybe.. it's definitely curly enough!

  3. Some of those micro payment amounts could be fractional mulitples, in the way that note frequencies can be derived from harmonic divisions of a string frequency (/2, /3, /6, /8, /9, /12, /16, etc) rather than /5, /10, divisions more typical of decimal currencies (Venetian Snares time-signatures not withstanding).


    One penny x 1/6 = £0.00166 (last digit rounded down)
    One penny x 10/81 = £0.00122 (last digit rounded down)


    There might be a melody hidden in there..

  4. We're going to have many years to mull over the significance - and since this is graphic-design-goes-conceptual-art, multiple meanings abound. One obvious possibility is that these are all things they/he didn't spend any money on. A sub 1 cent micro payment.

  5. Now that Manchester track is confirmed as being on SYRO, us fannies :watmm: have shut up about it and are pining for Minehead, Metz and Singapore tracks to be released. The grass really is more chartreuse :rhubear3: on the bit of the hill we can't get to yet. :cisfor::aphexsign::spiteful:

  6. Earlier I was chuckling at the screen grab of the leak simply because it said created tommorow, not at the quality of the music - haven't listened yet. Re: Skibby's musings on the subject - the phenomenon of fake leaks is pretty interesting, they are only a frustration for the impatient (not saying I'm not) and disrupt/confuse actual leaking as well. Most artists and labels probably hate fake leaks but some must find it interesting too and could be involved in it - it all adds to the viral swarm they are trying to shephard (ok weirdly mixed metaphore).




    A friend took this last week at a club in Tokyo, predates the blimp





    ok, i'm scared now

    Tokyo eh?

    Why would the notices on those lockers be written in English then?

    Obviously Phitoshop

    Don't make shit up dude.

    lol i think you need a nap
    No we need to find the keys to those lockers!
  8. I'm against the grain of the opinion on this one - to me it isn't really up to the standard of Exai and L-Event. It feels as if it is building up to something but never gets there. It's just one track off a compilation though so..


    Finally figured out how to stop my shitty laptop from overheating.



    is that an HP? never ever buy anything by HP. I'm convinced their business model rests entirely on making shit that breaks in the hopes that people are dumb enough to buy HP again.


    Yeah seriously! I've been using a HP laptop that overheats and lets out noxious gases


    First world achievement: finally decided to stop smoking plastic.

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