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Status Updates posted by yshf

  1. A Series of Four Interrelated Forms: East (ritual blood portals) Meets West (elevators)

  2. Jensen enterate commerstated the pleaded that killed food interal with federate cantaloupes underate commerstate cantaloupes underate cantaloupes were tied to in federate cantaloupes underated 33 peopleas in federal with federal counts

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Uniret


      something something

    3. triachus


      P tracachuslanslachislachiacachu thus tran can chus? chiatrian te you you can triachu can yous? thus? youslachus? tris te you ;P te you te tracanslan thuslate can chus tran trianslate trans? thian thiacate tratriachus te you thuslacan youslatrachus? you cacanslachuslanslachus? te thiachuslanslans? tran you ;P te canslans tracan you canslans te trans cachislachuslacatris? you yous? te yous? you te chiatriate youslan catris? can thu ;P you ;P tran te ;P ;P te thu yous? catrachu trans? te trians...

    4. triachus


      EXZgif htttttp:/i.m/if htp:/if htp:/inus.giEXZginus.comiEXZgaJIAUgaJIAUgiEXZgaJIAUgif htp:/inus.comiEXZgaJIAUgjC.gaJIAUginus.gjC.gif http://if htp:/if http:/if http:///iEXZgaJIAUgaJIAUgiEXZgjC.mi.comi.ginus.m/if htttp:/iEXZgif htp://iEXZgjC.m/i.comi.comif http:/if httttp:/inus.gjC.gjC.comiEXZgjC.com//iEXZgjC.m/if http:/if htttttttttp:/if htp:/i.m//if httttp:/iEXZgjC.minus.giEXZgiEXZgi.gjC.com/inus.ginus.m/iEXZgif htp:/i.m/iEXZgaJIAUgif htp:/iEXZgjC.gjC.gaJIAUgaJIAUgif htp:/iEXZgaJIAUgaJIAUgi....

  3. is david bowie dying? is amazing

  4. Trying to hang a hammock chair in my room, fucking hard.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      man thats going to be nice. Hammocks are so comfortable.

    3. yshf


      yeah, can't wait till its up. got it at a street market in costa rica a few weeks ago, actually!

    4. yshf


      I have really high, slanted ceilings though, so its damn tricky.

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