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Knob Twiddlers
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Posts posted by goffer

  1. About to start Chuck Palahniuk's 'Rant' now that it's finally out in paperback.


    i saw this the other day, but i dont know if i have it in me to read another palahniuk book, im not 17 anymore




    why be a dick and make that equation? As if reading his books as an adult is somehow embarassing. fuck off.


    palahniuk is a hack. deal with it.


    but at least he's a fun hack to read.

    and he's actually inspiring a generation of kids to actually pick up a book. if it werent for palahniuk i would have never picked up bukwoski which meant i would have never picked up fante, erickson, baer, clevenger, gibson which means i would have never picked up miller, hamsun, vonnegut, burrows... and so on.... and so on for ever and ever as the books around me stack high, soon to collapse and suffocate me in gulping slurps as their syllables nit pick away at my matter.

  2. i'm open to all suggestions. i like biographies alot. but know such little history that i sometimes miss alot of references in them. so maybe something historical and entertaining

    well right now i'm reading Charles Minguses autobiography, Beneath the Underdog, which is stupendous! It reads like fiction and is very poetic and atmospheric, and dirty... he talks more about his sex life then he does about his musical career.

  3. i think what he meant was that he read palahniuk when he was 17 and to still be reading it now would be pretty retarded. gotta move forward.


    speaking of which i need a new book. a new author even. willing to take recommendations. no best sellers please

    yeah i feel the same about palahniuk, i have his whole catalog including some rare prints from over the pond. the last book of his i tried to read was haunted and i got about half way through and stopped.


    what kind of read are you lookin' for awkward?

  4. my latest shipment just came in today:


    Zeroville - Steve Erickson

    Beneath the Underdog: His World as Composed by Mingus - Charles Mingus -CANNOT FUCKING WAIT TO READ THIS ONE!

  5. holy crap, that's amazing. they are really nice mixers. i got mine for $100 in mint shape and saw a few on ebay for for $100-$150 the other day. I wish companies would throw out aging hardware like markets with produce.

  6. nice booze ridden studio, my friend has that exact mixer I'm pretty sure (2 of them actually)

    haha there's a lot more beeer bottles not pictured on top of my DVD shelf and book shelf. that mackie is great, i just dug it out of the closet recently being that I've gotten back into hardware.

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