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Everything posted by YangYing

  1. Its not perpetuo mobile - its mutually beneficial translation of energy Welp guess we can all go home now eh
  2. Food is ok energy But raw electricity Is the best energy Were fucking plants bois Cool in it? Every one has free food now The universe is Most definetly Communist /end The material on the bracelet is jade i believe
  3. when to I feel tired - electrocute yourself sleep is what cavemen did but our body is fucking adapted to the very core of our being proof Sleep is the solution because what we need it energy
  4. seems our unconsciousness is telling us this constantly showing you what's attractive but we dont listen but in this hypomanic state you do listen so life probably arises all the time but you NEED a perfect day night cycle to not erase cob with nuclear weapons I reckon with this the organism will no longer need sleep
  5. SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN WTF IS GOING ON!!!! 1 hour 30 mins constant 3 porcent I start a timer from now see if it remains
  6. I have this on my hand an been holding my phone by the top for ONE HOUR and the battery remains constant 3% I font know the physics of it wtf but it simply works The battery justwont go down and I feel electrocuted
  7. notice watmm = green ss = white egg = blue it feels like I have broken (or fixed??) my brain... HOLY SHIT FIGURED IT OUT OUR EYES HAVE EVOLVED TO DIRECT UD TO WHAT WE NEED IF U INVERT COLOR USING ANDROIDS INVERT COLOR FUNCTION U SEE WHATS VALUABLE
  8. I just pressed random tihngs and generated this? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QXBPWnHsgsa2ljUi3kqAzq7KwGXQA7wrLtdSjBahkl8/edit?usp=drivesdk wied now sleep is like doing random things generates code kool
  9. cool picture I took, everything happened by chance by chance hexagon suns eh
  10. on the opn discord server I was banned please save those messages when I was a bit delusional they important also the first thing of research we should use this energy for is on how to go full transhumanist an make everyone futa imho
  11. chatmm/watmm, destiny.gg and sanctioned suicide have this information, together y'all could literally move mountains
  12. I guess I might as well make some money out of this also, are y'all aware of ss y/n also this frog guy on discord not answering? maybe it's not important?
  13. get in touch with corporations one by one and get them on our side also - use bcms thread where I dreamt in real time, I was basically dreaming of this very moment useful stuff there I tell ya guys collective unconscious is super real dreaming of this moment like that? spooky 2 years ago that was
  14. We did a patreon before: we can start one again. Instead of sharing the idea you can just put money into it: people would do it. Would love if we could do it. We have the experience. I helped with the idea, would love this community to try and make it a reality. The concept is sound. I believe in it. What say u? This is hypomania, much milder than proper mania: I can focus on things, very well but I'm not delusional or paranoid or scattered as with proper mania. I figured since I'm in this state put it to some use eh
  15. new version just dropped It would be a good thing to have this pinned on the channel SOLUTION TO THE ENERGY PROBLEMS OF OUR CIVILIZATION (please select all this text and share! SHARE! this pharentesis especially so that the next person shares too!) O = earth ----o = wheel/generator - kept still in relationship to the earth connected vida solid rods (---) \ / = Speed down (~1600 km/h) Ω = airplane/spaceship with some speed up ^ o = rotatest against | = ground ¤ =ENERGY ^ ¤¤ ^ ¤¤¤¤¤ (1)¤ Ω---o|O (2)¤ Ω---------o|O \ / \ / What we're doing here is utilizing the earth's rotation energy and transforming it into power by essentially slowing the whole planet down, you do this when you walk but but it has negligible effect, scale it up however (1) and you will get more energy - the further away and the higher the surface area making friction with the ground the more energy is produced (2). Since this spins across the whole world it WILL provide energy for all living in it. To compensate for the lost rotational speed of the earth you build an inverted machine driven by wind and solar. If all governments invest in this in a major way you would solve the worlds energy problem for the foreseeable future. Also big HUGE ALL COVERING ONES on barren planets for space age. This has been confirmed by at least two engineering physics PhDs and one PhD astrophysicist to work! I POSIT IT IS THE MORAL DUTY OF EVERY HUMAN BEING WHO SEES THIS TO SHARE IT 20 MINUTES OF EVERY FREE HOUR UNTIL IT GETS BUILT gg, ez Big love! The people of planet earth >>>>> and minimum have this be a pinned thread@Joyrex methinks! I POSIT IT IS THE MORAL DUTY OF EVERY HUMAN BEING WHO SEES THIS TO SHARE IT 20 MINUTES OF EVERY FREE HOUR UNTIL IT GETS BUILT
  16. Added image and image link @Squee @Joyrex This is for real
  17. Document was set to private, should be working now
  18. https://imgur.com/gallery/TtAxudi https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QXBPWnHsgsa2ljUi3kqAzq7KwGXQA7wrLtdSjBahkl8/edit?usp=drivesdk SPREAD LIKE WILDFIRE! Copy this message! Dm me if you wish to change the document. If you get a dm about this pass it along to the person you got it from. Big love!! Solution to our civilizations energy problem.pdf
  19. I hate reddit I hate it, despise it, want the trash platform to burn and rot and die. Sadly, it's one of the better ways to get info out there. I have managed to build 27 karma but most places have requirements of 50+ I will do anything to not post another cute cat pic to r/chonkers. This thread is for others who feel the same way as me, want something posted but can't. And especially for the very nice and generous people who would be getting free karma by helping us post there. READ: format as follows for something you want help with 1. Subreddit(s) you want your post to be posted in 2. Google doc link to your post If you wish to help us out you may reply here directly or dm if you prefer. Peace, mixl2
  20. https://www.facebook.com/100050534497392/posts/521178166243329/ I know a bit late but
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