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Friendly Stranger

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  1. Same, still in preshipment status, almost certainly hurricane related.
  2. Finally! Order dispatched. *Squints to read tracking* Shipping from...North Carolina!?! Hope it at least arrives in VG+ condition....
  3. Absolutely true! Couldn't have said it better. Doesn't diminish my love for the track. Definitely EP material, glad it's on Peel Sessions.
  4. No dispatch notice yet so that's great. Why didn't I just wait to buy from my local record shop? I ordered split fast too, so maybe it's because of the geography/where I'm located?
  5. Anyone in the US see their order dispatched yet?
  6. A perfect introduction to Orbital would simply be the Brown Album. IMO.
  7. Absolutely love Falling Together, scratches some trance itches of my younger raver days. Totally get why this might not be everyone’s bag. I like it, I think he’s a sensational DJ
  8. https://www.stereogum.com/2280584/aphex-twin-syro-turns-10/reviews/the-anniversary/
  9. This is really great! The last four tracks in particular are outstanding. Will be in my end of year list for sure.
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