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Everything posted by 3849

  1. I love this forum, everybody seems to be gay. Let's hook up some time.
  2. Can't wait to listen to XI in my bro's room with good bass and annoy our neighbor with this awesome music for two hours.
  3. I think Exai is gonna suck, why else would they let us wait this long? Think about it, if it was really cool it would've leaked already.
  4. I feel offended, all that bad talk about homosexuals being gay and such. This is what's wrong with people, whenever someone's gay, you people just have to make them kill themselves, shame on you. I am not no killing myself. Let me tell you that I have leaked once. OH!
  5. I really hope they'll tour later this year, that way we can enjoy them again, but not right after the release of Exai or take too long for their next album to come out [or EP].
  6. I don't know, as long as it's about Exai, not other artists or albums...
  7. Can we please just talk about Exai instead of other topics?
  8. Also, pix, if you do have Exai [i think you do, because you've explained so many things], good for you [that sounded like I don't like you....], it must be super awesome to have it... and I forgot what I really wanted to say.
  9. I really don't want to see 30 seconds, especially not if it's a spectrum. I use it all the time to make my music, so I know what it will sound like, and I really don't want to know. Whether you actually have Exai or not, I don't want you to prove anything, I've already read enough info on the album, I just want it to either leak or not, that's why I'm here all the time. If it leaks, I might download it, if it doesn't, I'll wait for it to be properly released. So can we please stop the questions about whether or not Exai sounds like something we've already heard? Just wait for its release or leak, then you can listen to it yourself. I'm fine with answers or questions about pix's experiences and such, but I don't want every track explained in detail, no one can possibly know what it sounds like. Please, just stop.
  10. Also, can someone change this into something that makes sense [i'm too lazy]. [Wiki] "All songs written and composed by Sean Booth and Rob Brown."
  11. Doesn't that apply to any new Autechre things? [Or other artists you really like] Also, I feel like the album sounds white. But I guess I'll know when I've heard it.
  12. Hey, did you guys hear? Autechre's coming with this new album called Bull Wallet or something, no release dates though. http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/jdeng/Images/Slowpoke.png
  13. The two cd thing isn't news, I think everybody on here knows about it...
  14. I was there, I'm the handsome young man who said 'Boom!'.
  15. The more I look at the track list, the more I think it's not really that much. And I've been thinking about the track titles of Exai and former albums, at first they were actual words and sometimes an abbreviation or something, but now it's mostly codes and abbreviations than actual words. A part of me likes that, but another part of me doesn't, I like to just pronounce a track like it's an actual word, but with Quaristice, Oversteps and Exai it's just harder to do so.
  16. No, they should just wait, otherwise you already know what the whole album is like before you've even heard the two hours.
  17. youre not alone yeah, i feel bad too. 3 months....i want my 24bit new Autechre NOW... Two months. It's only January and February, then it's March, and since the album is gonna be released begin March, it's only two months, not three. Probably even less than two months if they decide to release the digital version earlier.
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