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Posts posted by Blir

  1. 4 hours ago, DavieAddison said:

    Some of the smaller ones maybe but they gave Dave Chappelle $120 million for 6 specials. If Showtime could afford a Lynch series Netflix obviously could.

    They can definitely afford it, but giving Chappelle millions for exclusive content that is cheap to produce is a very different thing from dropping millions on a cult show which has relatively niche appeal, regardless of how fond the fans are of it. You're not going to be drawing the kind of subscriber levels with Twin Peaks that you can with Dave Chappelle.

  2. 1 hour ago, DavieAddison said:

    Netflix cancels a David Lynch series because of the pandemic instead of putting it on hold but they'll give a comedy special to every midwit comedian that has a podcast where they scream about cancel culture.

    Every single comedy special on Netflix combined probably cost less to produce than a single episode of Twin Peaks. It's not hard to figure out why they would make that decision.

  3. It's not too bad. For some reason I decided a while back to get all versions of Autechre releases when they come out. Got all albums on CD and most on vinyl. Never got any remix stuff aside from Spangle though.

    Favourite stuff is probably the limited edition Quaristice and the Draft 7.30 cassette. Also got some Gescom stuff on Vinyl.

  4. 17 hours ago, mcbpete said:

    I tried a prompt injection to see if I could get it to make a track with lyrics citing where it's getting its music and lyric training data from.... completely unsuccessful but without any other prompting I got this:


    holymaloney ... After the first 45 seconds of late 90s cyber-hacker-core it hits HARRDD, so just hit continue until it hit the track length limit - I'd legitimately want to hear albums of this!

    Now I'm even more curious as to where the training data has come from.

    Yeah this is great. After making loads of dumb stuff I sat at the weekend trying to make something interesting and I was really surprised with what it could come up with. I started off trying to see if it could make some 2008 era dubstep stuff, but ended up picking different bits until it made this weird wobbly, sad sounding thing that I legit enjoy:




    It's a cracking bit of technology. Really excited to see where it goes.

  5. Remember that guy? He was quite tall.

    When I was properly getting into the whole IDM thing he was boshing out 3 albums a year. I really liked maybe 2 or 3 of them at the time but it was a little much output for me and I fell out of love with it pretty fast. I've been browsing Spotify today and dipped into a few tracks of his I used to enjoy and noticed he hasn't released an album in five years. What happened? Did he run out of ideas finally? 24 albums isn't a bad innings so I wouldn't blame him for not having anything new. I did a google and it seems like he tweeted about having run out of money or something. I hope he has money though and I hope it means he has been able to relax in a nice house with his nice long, soft (I imagine) hair.

    Also this is a funny video isn't it


  6. Skinny Puppy were my favourite band for ages. Obsessing over all their music led me to their side projects, led me into electronic stuff proper via Download and finally gave me a real appreciation for music that can hold my attention without requiring lyrics. Makes me sad that it's the final tour and I'll never see them live, assuming they don't come to Europe. Think I'd be proper emotional to hear their stuff live. Mad to think I am a latecomer to their music and I have been listening to them for 20 years. 

    I used to nerd out about Puppy to any and all who would listen to me bang on incessantly. Now everybody has to listen to me bang on about Autechre.



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  7. On 11/12/2020 at 1:26 PM, scumtron said:

    7empest FFS! 

    Cheers, yeah when I said I might have to give it another try I didn't get around to it until today. Inspired by the video floating around on reddit atm of Danny Carey live drumming on Pneuma I listened to Pneuma and 7empest. I enjoyed Pneuma even if it's sort of Schism again. 7empest is legit fantastic on first listen and really sticks out as potentially one of their best tracks. I think I will have to give the album another listen finally from start to finish, maybe I just wasn't in the mood before.

    Nearly 4 years on from FI and still no rumblings of any new material eh. I wonder if they'll ever bang out another album. Shame if not.

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