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Everything posted by Willybumbum

  1. I still can't tell if the numbers at the start are intentional or if they're just part of draft tracklists
  2. I've downloaded them all the disgusting 128kbps, but that's just what Soundcloud streams in I think
  3. Speaking of BoC, nocares sounds a bit like a cleaner, more well-produced version of something on the Old Tunes or R35TT There we start to see the Z-Twiggy synth in the middle, we're getting to SAWII area here.
  4. Cue all these tracks to be deleted in 2 days, just after which P4k will update with "Listen to new unreleased Aphex Twin exclusive for Soundcloud"
  5. Don't tease about the BoC unreleased stuff, I've been dying to hear that shoegaze album of theirs for years
  6. Tagged as "like early afx" then "early afx" and now just "afx" and the obvious implications with "AB6" I was always a bit skeptical about the "hundereds of hours of unreleased material" he claimed in the 90's, but the fact hat he just dropped 4 hours of unreleased stuff in the span of a day is really fucking something.
  7. The hype of an album following a 7 year long wait for new music will obviously be too much to meet up to. It's similar to Campfire Headphase in that it's an album that always sounds better to listen to as the full thing, when you listen to a track on its own, aside for maybe a few, they feel out of place, unlike tracks on Geogaddi and MHTRTC, which doesn't necessarily make those the better albums, the music just works in a different way. It's the difference between drukqs and RDJ album. Probably my second favourite full album behind Geo.
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