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Posts posted by YEK

  1. The Chocolate Wheelchair Album is the epitome and precise synopsis is what a Venetian Snares record should be, an amalgamation of all his second-era style. This style would not be found much after this album as he entered his period of digital-beats and classical influence.




    epidermis ftw

  2. Last night I dreamt that the world was coming to an end just like in Lars Von Trier's Melancholia. It was awful. I totally panicked but at the same time I was trying to calm myself down by saying that the world wasn't going to end. That's all that happened. People were just carrying on with their daily routines as I witnessed the end getting closer and closer. What a sick dream. I think I ended up not caring about what was going to happen and that's all I remember, but when I woke up I was drenched in sweat.

    i've had those.. sometimes including an atom bomb flash and then nothing

  3. i've been having dreams that the government separate me and people i know and put us in camps and basically have very strong control over us.

    one that i had ,the first one that i can remember, people were forced into small groups by age and then northamerica (canada/u.s. union) was shipping everyone up to the north (arctic area), because of fear of rising waters. we were then taught specific jobs/tasks according to our groups.


    very possible situations

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