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Posts posted by YEK

  1. the tracks used to play as you clicked them but they dont work now and the mp3 is gone =(

    im sure if you pre-ordered with warp you got free stickers, would be interested if anyone knows what they were of.

    maybe someone could scan them or add the to discogs =)

    i have/had the stickers. i don't fucking know where they are though... they were glow in the dark, said luke vibert and had stars and stuff i think.

  2. slowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfastslowfast




    anybody want to take a stab at what the cover image might be? sure, it's DR so it's likely just a cool looking circle graphic thing, but I have often wondered if it could be an open bucket of red paint (the black bits being the handle curving up), or a traffic light, or HAL from 2001, or...

    i always thought the cover image looked like a boat porthole

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