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Friendly Stranger

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Everything posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. Ughhhhaaaa!! What is he DOING?!? Richard you've lost your mind man! No reasonable person would give this much away for nothing!!!!!! *also, please dont stop i want to listen to this forever*
  2. http://hackerspace.lifehacker.com/download-any-soundcloud-song-1632271516
  3. I have to say, this is the happiest and most positive I've seen WATMM since I've been around (lurked since mid 2000s, finally created profile during Tomorrows Harvest aneurysm). It's nice to see the good vibes coming out, and rightfully so, given what's transpired here so far. There's no better time to be an IDM fan. With all the unlistenable garbage that's out on the airwaves these days, it's really been a pleasure to hear the best from the artists we've known and loved (BoC, Plaid, RDJ, etc.) I've been having a euphoric waves of IDM nerdiness wash over me these past couple years and especially the past couple days. Sounds lame but I'm pretty darn proud to be a part of a group of people who share my interests.
  4. you guys 2 ∂ƒx 126b is great, is it not?!?!? had to stop halfway through last night, my wife = are you going to listen to this ALL DAY? Yes. Yes I am.
  5. i like how this IS NOT even the imminence that Joyrex has been talking about. How could there possibly be more imminence after this, I can't even....
  6. I think we should all take a moment of silence to appreciate how good Rough Beat Tune is Ok thanks for your participation carry on
  7. Good morning everyone it's a beautiful day here in the US central time zone! I'm ready to continue losing my mind again today!
  8. Good night Richard sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite
  9. RICHARD RICHARD R U THERE?! U AND I WOULD BE BEST BUDS IRL, ID LIKE TO THINK THAT! But seriously I know you will never read this, but my deepest most sincere thank you for these tunes!
  10. BOC Plaid and Autechre wouldn't be a bad follow up.... ok now i am dreaming LOLLOLOL
  11. Yeah, it's fucking perfect Yeah. This is my number one so far. dear lord, I'm hearing it now.
  12. 19 Ssnb is already has "if you could only have one song on a deserted island" status in my book, it's just out of this world.
  13. All i've heard from him is that this has nothing to do with the business he's been working on with RDJ. But i've had a hard time keeping up with the thread. ALso, my brain is leaking out of my eyes.
  14. jaspmf shutup already you're taking attention away from what's important Mental Telepathy
  15. I know....I've listened to this track 47 times so far. no exaggeration well just a little bit maybe
  16. OK sorry - where are the zip downloads of tracks 22-46? 47 now? I've only found the first 2 (2nd tape ends with Plinkyplonk)
  17. plonkyplink plinkyplonk plonkplinky i cheese it in a major way when I come across this track, i just love it
  18. this fucking 19 Ssnb track tho...... I need a break. Getting too wrapped up. What if it's not RDJ?!? (It is)
  19. and thus he was risen again, and the idm gods spake - "lo! may his imminence continue to smile down upon you, and may your brains continue to dance" and so it was written. and so it came to pass
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