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Friendly Stranger

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Everything posted by Friendly Stranger

  1. This was pretty much my favorite pre-release event ever, I still can't believe this happened. Sifting through the last couple pages, was the full track on Spotify and now it is not? or were there just previews?
  2. I pre-ordered the limited edition vinyl from newberry comics....I wish there was a version that didn't include Frankie Sinatra, it's just a brutal track. In a bad way. Looking forward to the rest of the record, however! Colors is really nice.
  3. http://www.stereogum.com/1882873/the-avalanches-colours-feat-mercury-revs-jonathan-donahue/mp3s/ new track, "Colours" feat Mercury Rev SUMMER!
  4. I'm ashamed to say that this is my first time listening to or even knowing about this version of the album. disclaimer I live in the US
  5. I caught this too! Nice little summery track, definitely reminds me more of their first album.
  6. holy hell, true or not there are some fascinating quote takeways from this
  7. Cool! Cheetah should be an awesome release. I'm still hoping he does another ambient ep or lp at some point. This record would include ibiza spliff and certainly 19 Ssnb, amongst others. it would also be personalized to me with my initials engraved in gold, would also receive a personal phone call from RDJ to give me a heads up on the release and run through the details of how he made the album. Not askin' for alot, here.
  8. damn, missed them. Were there any recognizable SC dump tracks outside of the 'cheetah's?
  9. holy hell, the shipping on the cassette costs nearly as much as the tape itself I want it, but not that bad. damn
  10. it's hard to hear Dooms verse behind all of the noise, which is unfortunate because he's usually a highlight for me.
  11. this been posted yet? sorry if it has http://www.factmag.com/2016/05/24/autechre-elseq-review/
  12. mesh cinreaL is just aghhhh abwuuusshhhhhh ppssshhhhtttttt whaaaat?!?!?!?!??!? ppppssssssht *goes into coma*
  13. Upon further inspection, I've come to the decision that - Yes. Yes I do like 'eastre' very, VERY much.
  14. This is crazy stuff, it sounds like aliens communicating with each other. 13x0 step is hittin me particularly hard at the moment. Also, you guys are all huge weirdos and I mean that in the most endearing way possible
  15. mesh cinereaL is pretty godamn bonkers
  16. Man, how did I miss this? Getting some serious BoC "Heard From Telegraph Lines" vibes from the first minute of Sad Alron. Nice tunes, I'll be looking for this release next month!
  17. Were you guys aware that their backcatalog was also being repressed? I had no idea until I saw Bleeps email this a.m. I am buying the fuck out of TNT repress with the quickness
  18. In the Plaid subforum Joyrex alluded to the idea that these band specific stores might not be exclusive to live material. Not sure if we can anticipate surprise albums in the near future but I'd expect Warp could be using these storefronts for digital album releases going forward. Not sure what the point of that would be though. I'm at an hour in for the Dublin set and it just got completely next level mental.
  19. My favorite part was when RDJ released ~200 free tracks over sc over the course of a month best of times!
  20. it really is transcendent stuff if you allow yourself to succumb to the vibe and nature of the concept behind the album. it doesn't necessarily outclass the previous works, but it certainly belongs on the same mantle. my favorite front to back listening experience outside of MHTRTC which doesn't necessarily mean it's my favorite. Just special.
  21. You Guys - listening to Syro around this time of year is making me whistful. On syro u473t8+e (piezoluminescence mix) right now and the funky opening got me dancing at my cube. I DONT EVEN CARE, I FEEL LIKE IVE BREACHD THE SURLY BOUNDS OF EARTH AND TOUCHED THE FACE OF GOD
  22. You guys - this track. This F*%$ng track. Discuss.
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