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Posts posted by Rpeg


    It's kind of like if you're at the end of a concert screaming for an encore, and after 10 minutes you start to think the band really did leave for the night without playing an encore, but then they come out and just noodle with boring arps for a half hour.




    crappy analogy acknowledged, but my only point is that I think our expectations really played into how this album sounded.


    I really like TH.

  2. the best thing that can happen to Tomorrow's Harvest is to have another new release take its place so its only context is no longer "o.m.g. they spent 7 years on this?"


    It was nearly a decade of silence. For this to drop out of thin air was kind of maddening, and the way hype was drummed up for it seemed totally uncharacteristic for the sound of the album itself. TH is moody, thoughtful stuff. Us fans were geared up for Geogaddi^2. It's kind of like if you're at the end of a concert screaming for an encore, and after 10 minutes you start to think the band really did leave for the night without playing an encore, but then they come out and just noodle with boring arps for a half hour. After the excitement of them returning fades, you're left wondering why they actually bothered with an encore if it wasn't nearly as exciting as the concert that preceded it.


    Time can be only good to this release, I think. Even if it is never seen as their best, I think it will be thought just as special as their other albums. and charming for what it set out to be: a sci-fi movie soundtrack.



    .... just heard this in chatmm:




    I hear from a reliable source there are several hundred more set to drop too


    (Philie T = http://www.discogs.com/Manor-Boys-Chelmsfords-Most-Wanted/release/850760 )




    :psyduck: :psyduck: :psyduck:



    I've never even heard of that manor boys release


    Probably a newb question, but can someone explain to me why this might be a credible rumour?







    Could someone be so kind as to repost the download link w/ the soundcloud & syrobonkers tracks? Saw it floating around many pages ago.


    thanks to all of you who made time to archive all this wonderful music!



    want to compare my archive with full archive to see if i haven't lost any goodies



    just soundcloud user48736353001 tracks:




    am curious about the syrobonkers tracks as I don't have those.


    The track listing just sounds like they're old file names he had on his computer for tentative tracklists etc, I doubt there's a 71 track album hidden somewhere here.


    I don't think so. I think they are numbered as they should be kept and the order will become clear. I'm saying 5 releases here.



    A third of the tracks so far don't have numbers, which helps the case that they are arbitrary imo


    I agree with Willybumbum.

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