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Posts posted by Kooch

  1. A Blade In The Dark (1983)


    Amazing soundtrack and some great death scenes and tension/atmostphere.....but the english dubbing is so so bad.....or good depending on your sense of humour.


    "Is it possible you're such a vacant nerd? Your satisfaction is to sit like a frog in the sun?"



  2. Yup, finally getting around to it. Had the book sitting here for a few years.


    Early Barker is fucking lush, read Books of Blood, Weaveworld and The Great and Secret Show.


    I love those, but I also loved his 2001 novel Coldheart Canyon.

  3. The Green Slime - 6/10 very cheesy but entertaining.....like a hokey 60's The Blob or The Thing.


    Shatterbrain - 7/10 from the director of Return Of The Living Dead this 1991 film is his only other feature he directed (although he did write Alien, Aliens, Total Recall etc), it was quite weird, and I didn't understand it but I think I was a bit out of it.

  4. Have you seen Eagle vs Shark peace?


    I live in Wellington where it was filmed so it's cool seeing all the places I regually walk around.


    I watched:





    Quite good 'possession' type movie from 1977 but the twist is Anthony Hopkins believes a couples daughter is actually his daughter reincarnated.


    A fairly 'tame' horror from the brilliant director Robert Wise who I love! (The Body Snatchers, The Day The Earth Stood Still, The Andromeda Strain, I Want to Live!, Curse Of The Cat People, The Sound Of Music, West Side Story and my favorite The Haunting 1963.)

  5. Ow yeah I watched like the first hour of The Falls still have to finish that. Good stuff.

    Have you seen his later films?


    Yes, but none of them have the humour of The Falls.


    I like Drowning By Numbers, A Zed & Two Noughts, The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover and Prospero's Books, but not much else.


    I find the acting and dialogue quite bad in many of his work, and that's off putting.

  6. A Simple Plan


    Ooo'e - a forgotten gem? Perhaps! Very entertaining and engrossing story. 3 lads find 4+ mill in the middle of the woods...what do you do!? Great performances from Billy + Paxton.


    Thoroughly entertaining/10




    I read the book before I saw it, the book is virtually the screenplay, the movie follows the book *very* closely unlike many adaptions.


    Jan Svankmajer's Alice - 10/10 now officially my favorite movie


    One of my fav's (and by far the best version of Alice...) but I like his film Conspirators of Pleasure best.


    His last feature Surviving Life (Theory and Practice) was cool as it was a different style of animation for him, collage technique (and as usual very funny and surreal.)


    Bloody Birthday (1981) - A fairly straightforward mashup of Village of the Damned and Halloween. Clearly made to cash in on the success of Halloween with lots of setting and plot similarities but with more TnA. Would have benefited from a more minimal soundtrack. The kids were sufficiently creepy sociopaths.


    Love this film, I'm a fan of 'evil children' films......cause they are!

  7. Expected to hate it based on terrible reviews from critics and viewers - but I found it really funny. It's flippant, dark, surreal.


    Instead of tension that their plane can't land safely they all indulge in drugs, random sex and drugs.




    And it is quite camp, so some won't like that.....



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