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Posts posted by olo

  1. A Simple Plan


    Ooo'e - a forgotten gem? Perhaps! Very entertaining and engrossing story. 3 lads find 4+ mill in the middle of the woods...what do you do!? Great performances from Billy + Paxton.


    Thoroughly entertaining/10




    That shotgun blast to that dudes old lady...haha. oh man.


    Haven't seen this in years, but really enjoyed it at the time. Loved all those crows perched in trees tracking shots.

  2. [youtubehd]Hv4ABEEbabQ[/youtubehd]


    doesn't say much besides a tone-setter. But I am excite.



    An uncommon woodpecker of the northern coniferous forests, the Black-backed Woodpecker prefers burned-over sites. It moves from place to place, following outbreaks of wood-boring beetles in recently burned habitats.

  3. Exorcist III - oldy olson(pre-conan) flashes his shameless old tits to his nurse/5.


    There's something I really liked about Exorcist 3. The ending is completely off the rails. But I rather like the rest. Haven't seen it in ages though.

  4. Hannibal - Ep3/secondo


    Thoroughly enjoyed. Ice pick to the dome/10


    As eugene has stated, this show doesn't exist in a plausible grounded reality. It lives in a hyper-reality dream state. Nice score as well. Think it was toward the end of the episode, but something really struck me as "that sounded reals nice". Gillian Anderson was quite good.

    I'm thinking Hannibal will be caught by mid-season & complete left-turn into the Red Dragon arc.

  5. i dunno about hannibal, it's like completely detached from anything irl. people don't don't like people, their motivations don't make any sense..it's like some kind of alternative dimension. technically and visually it's mostly great but it's impossible to identify with it on any level.

    (pretty sure i had a similar opinion about previous season, and yet i keep watching it).


    I feel you. It may be getting even more detached. The whole Priest sees Abigail in the church was a conscious effort on Fuller's part. Eluding to actual ghosts & not just hallucinations. :blink:



    Hannibal Season 3/ 2nd Episode - Decent-ish. Liked the stag/corpse thing. Even with the dodgy cgi in parts of that sequence.


    The stag/corpse really looked like something out of Silent Hill 2.


    Will Graham needs some hugs, poor guy.



    Definitely on both. Had the same thoughts. Kinda had the eraserhead chicken thing going on


    just watched Mothman Prophecies again. tonally its got a lot of problems but its one of my biggest guilty pleasure movies. Its hard to find a mainstream film that captures the better atmospherics/suspense from good X-files episodes and this definitely hits the mark for me.


    Yeah same here. Really like that quote about explaining yourself to cockroaches.




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