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Posts posted by olo

  1. Fargo EP10 Palindrome (finale)


    The Raising Arizona/Black Sabbath opening was tiz-ight. Very quiet finale with many Coen Bros. call backs. I say quiet, but there were many nice scenes, none wasted & all were elemental to the story.

    Peggy & Mike got theirs in a way worse than death

    . But then it ended, and I was like ah hell...Thought there was gonna be 15 more minutes. (Lou's leg injury never came from this event. Was expecting it to.)

  2. I agree but also know there is a slightly shorter version that doesn't have the overture and intermission and (also) has either one or two scenes shortened. Not sure what that versions running time is though


    Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


    Morricone said the violence is extreme. Is it over the top or just normal tarantino?

  3. Fargo EP9 "The Castle"


    A little let down by this episode unfortunately. Some nice scenes in here, but the whole framing this episode as a chronicled chapter in a book & the narration throughout wasn't necessary. Too on the nose & rather indulgent. Wasn't feeling the whole UFO thing at the end either. Liked it as more of an ambiguous element throughout the season.


    Fargo keeps on trucking as the best show on air-


    it's ruining other shows for me because it's so damn good



    Loplop was ballin' last night. So many cookies hidden in this episode. Only gripe was with Dodd diatribing at the end...

    ...kinda an easy out, but I guess the Blomquists had to live for the finale.

    He had some great scenes last night nonetheless. The final haircut scene with Hanzee had me meme-ing. When that drumbeat kicked in, oh man...hot shit right there. Iron butterfly-Manhunter shit. I'm gonna miss this show...

  5. Fargo - Pretty badass episode. Great metaphorical themes last night. Loved the whole sequence with Betsy coming home to an empty house. Major foreboding. She then discovers the alien print outs plastered all over the study. Such strange, such love. I understand why people binge watch now, can't wait for next week...


    The Glen fake-out was used by TWD crew as a tester to see how the audience is going to react to...



    ...when he gets his head bashed in by Negan at the end of this season.



    That outcome is the only way I could forgive them for this fake-out bullshit. If Glen is not used in the spoiler scene, seriously fuck that show.


    I hope this happens, so bad.


    Might be a bit too brutal for the show though.



    I don't know. Hershel got his head hacked off. & the headbashing-throat slitting trough was pretty nasty...They can get away with it.

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