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Posts posted by olo



    As a Florida native (an endangered species)


    What's up with all the anti abortion signage?



    A very large conservative Christian community here.



    Interesting, is it the whole state, or just northern/central Fl.? Is it retirees or has it always had a conservative, indigenous population?

  2. Florida is easily one of the most backwards places I've been in the USA (specifically Fort Lauderdale)


    Truth. Went on vacation there last year with the family for a week. Drove from D-toilet to Orlando & to the Atlantic side by Canaveral. A lot of the residents reminded me of Grandpa (Barnard Hughes) from the movie Lost Boys. And not just age. There may be such a thing as too much sun. Eccentricity ran rampant. What was up with all the anti-abortion signage too? there was a sign every 100ft it felt like (30.48 meters for our overseas friends).



    I just watched The Thing. Only 30 years late. Fantastic fucking film.


    :cerious: ...dude.



    Yeah, I know. I'm surprised I somehow avoided spoilers of all the great moments for that long.



    the chest-mouth and blood testing scenes were brilliant and I got that first-viewing suprise scare as intented.




    Indeed. Love that flick. My Mom worked for Showcase cinemas for a long time late 70's through the 80's. She got tons of swag. Including a Thing poster & T-shirt (not worn til I dug it out in the late 80's). I wish I still had the T shirt. Wore it the fuck out thinking I was some hot shit. No idea where the poster is, but I got soooo much star wars swag, need to sell that shit.


    The Happening - slol/10


    Caught the 2nd half of this turd whilst pretty buzzed last night. Lols were had at the sheer spectacle of inept direction, flatline acting, abortion of thought, and the confounding realisation that Shyamalan was directing this as a serious film. In my mind it has serious drinking game potential.

    When John Leguizamo is the best actor in a movie, you know there's something wrong in the world.




    lol. precisely.

    I just watched The Thing. Only 30 years late. Fantastic fucking film.


    :cerious: ...dude.

  5. The Happening - slol/10


    Caught the 2nd half of this turd whilst pretty buzzed last night. Lols were had at the sheer spectacle of inept direction, flatline acting, abortion of thought, and the confounding realisation that Shyamalan was directing this as a serious film. In my mind it has serious drinking game potential.

    When John Leguizamo is the best actor in a movie, you know there's something wrong in the world.



    ^Don't do it to yourself, bruv.


    The good news is I finally know what it is to truly hatewatch. It's not Christ, but something compels me, and it's so fucking awful.


    & there's never anything on @10pm on Wed I guess.


    hate watching can be fun, I did it with Dexter and have been doing it with the Walking Dead ever since season 2 ended. I tried doing it with the Flash CW show too, but that just turned more into sad watch



    Kinda new to this whole thing. I do like the term hatewatch. I haven't really experienced it per se until this season of AHS, where you hate pretty much any/every character on the show. I don't think I make a conscious effort to, it's a very organic process. Haven't reached that with any other shows yet, (even WD), except, perhaps the horrendous shows my kids watch. Full House anyone...

  7. Yeah, I'm stuck watching that, too. None of the previous seasons were "good," but this one is legitimately awful. My wife gets angry at the anachronistic musical numbers and says that she "doesn't think she'll watch the next season" but she keeps firing up the DVR every week.

    Truly in a dreadful position here, because she's also catching up on the final season of Dexter.

    Starting to fear TV induced Stockholm Syndrome as I find myself filled with empathy for the writers and editors in their terrible struggle to overcome the adversity of their own ineptitude.


    The sad thing is I can't even blame it on my wife. It's my own personal choice...god the musical numbers...



  8. To continue last post. Fargo season 2 won't start until next fall. ugh. They just cast Kirsten Dunst & Jessie Plemons (breaking bad).


    Season 2 synopsis sounds great to me. We probably will need a separate thread for this show in the future.


    Season 2 is essentially a prequel and is set in 1979 in Sioux Falls, S.D., and Luverne, Minn. The story will focus on a young Lou Solverson (not yet cast) who recently returned from the Vietnam War. Solverson was played by Keith Carradine in the first season, and he repeated teased to a harrowing case he experienced while working as a state police officer in Sioux Falls.
    “He thought he left the war behind, but he came back and here it is, it’s domestic,” showrunner Noah Hawley told EW in July. “We will meet Molly’s mother, who was not a character in season 1 … and we’ll learn what happened to her. There were a lot of clues left in the first season and we’ll do our best to hit those.”
    Other major open roles include Solverson’s wife, Betsy, their 4-year-old daughter, Molly, and fellow officer, Ben Schmidt.




    I can confirm that it is on Netflix as I have seen it recently on there.


    I can also confirm it's available for free on other parts of the internet.


    I've fallen really behind with Fargo, really must catch up.



    Definitely catch up. last few episodes are the shiz. (couple leap of faith parts, but well good.)

  10. Prometheus - no/10


    Finally got around to watching this. I didn't want to dig out the old thread to give watmmers grim flashbacks. Made it through the first hour - hour & a half.

    Ridley Scott needs to be wheeled off to his house in the country & stick to home movies. (Throw in Lindelof with him). his time has long passed. From what I watched it was utter shit. Stupid characters doing completely ridiculous things that no person with only a modicum of intelligence would do. Terrible pacing. Shit acting. Taking your helmets off! seriously. I could give a fuck about special effects in regards to all things stated prior. A whiney bitch scientist who has to drink himself stupid because the engineers weren't alive when he found them. Listen asshole, you just found an alien race on a far away moon, they built structures & murals & housed casks of something & are terraforming a moon. You find they were running away from something & are all mostly dead. Not even the least bit interested? a little...No sense of mystery even gives you a little rise? I'm going to drink & cry, kick my feet like a five year old, take it out on an android & just complain I want to go home. Fuck off dude. Seriously fuck off. I'm not going to bother with the 2 dumbfuck scientist/geologists dicking around in the dome.


    Garbage so far, I'll probably finish it just to have closure if nothing else.


    Part 2 of Prometheus review


    Finished this piece of shit last night. So dumbfuck geologist decides to pet a penis water snake on a distant moon having no regard for what threat his actions could pose, (contamination,infection, death), stupid as fuck. Guy pierce in horrible make-up, seriously Johnny Knoxville looked like a more realistic old guy in Bad Grandpa, or whatever that movie was called. Seriously, if you want a character to be an old guy, cast an actual old guy. And what's up with the score of this turd...it had a Star Trek feel to it. These kinda uplifting bars come in at parts that don't sync with the movie at all. Seriously was like, this isn't really an uplifting moment, why am I hearing this. Is the enterprise gonna blast through the atmosphere at some point phasers blazing? It just doesn't make sense. Fuck the lazy religious (God) /evolution (aliens) angle. Poorly written & meant nothing. Stupid crab alien wrestling fight, zoned out, cesarean...those are some good staples, stupid engineer wrestling fight. The engineers pissed me off. I wanted to punch their stupid faces that looked like they were modeled from a Burne Hogarth anatomy drawing book. Fuck off. All of it can fuck off. The android guy was probably the only entertaining thing about this pile of shite. Crash spaceship, crush chick, giant alien squid vaginas...ugh...proto xenomorph. so the xenomorph = vagina squid + engineer. uhm great.


    Now, going back to Alien, what was up with the engineer that had a chestburster in the pilot seat? That clearly is not what happened here. Why were all the alien eggs under the fog lasers when those type of aliens haven't evolved yet? How the fuck does Ridley Scott not think of this? You directed the first film. YOU created the Alien universe dumbass. How come you didn't line the ending up to at least coincide with Alien? IT.DOESN'T.MAKE.SENSE. I guess since you created it Ridley, you have the total right to destroy it. Shaw wanted to know why the engineers wanted to destroy the human race after creating us? I pose the same question to sir ridley scott. I can never watch Alien again without prometheus in the back of my mind.


    Fuck off dude. Stop directing movies. Tell Lindelof he can suck a water penis snake too.

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